ID: 9222483

Unit 3 Let's live a low carbon life Lesson 9课件+素材(31张PPT)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:80次 大小:20341499B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) UNIT THREE LET’S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE Lesson 9 Different? Why? 2009 2021 Why? 2009 2021 Q1: What are they talking about? What are they talking about? B What’s it for? When is the festival? What can we do? What are they talking about? What are they talking about? P18 How can we do? the lawn We need more trashcans by the roadside. roadside Q: What do we need to keep the lawn clean and tidy? go to work / school bus subway How does Guoguo’s father go to work? by bus by subway ride a scooter by bike on foot/ walk by new energy vehicle We can go … by car … plastic bags We should stop using plastic bags. They can be decomposed (分解) in hundreds of years. It’s harmful to the earth. We can use _____ instead. recycle bag Don’t litter in public places. Discuss in pair: What can we put into each trashcan? trashcans kitchen waste other waste recyclable harmful waste different trashcans Discuss in pair: What can we put into each trashcan? Let’s put them into the trashcans. Let's try our best to do garbage classification(垃圾分类). Pair work: Read or Retell Read the dialogue Retell the story 插入视频 Retell the story date stop protect litter clean tidy on foot by bus or by bike World Earth Day World ? … ? ? ? P19 World … International Nurses’ Day World Health Day World water Day World Animal Day World Environment Day Car Free Day March 22nd October 4th April 7th May 12th June 5th September 22nd International Nurses’ Day World Health Day World water Day World Animal Day World Environment Day Car Free Day March 22nd October 4th April 7th May 12th June 5th September 22nd … is on… Today is World Earth Day. Let’s go to the kindergarten and introduce these festivals for kids. Hello kids,our group will introduce World Earth Day for you. When is the festival? It’s on April 22nd. What’s it for? It tells people to protect the environment. What can we do? We should stop using plastic bags.We should ... Pair work: 1 Discuss the festivals 2 Make some posters introduce to kids Homework Read the dialogue with friends. Find out more ways to protect the environment. Thank you !

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