
Unit 3 Travel Period 1 Reading A 课件(36张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:53次 大小:41379132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 上外版 高一年级上 Unit 3 TRAVEL Period 1 Reading A A ROMAN HOLIDAY Lead in Roman Holiday 1. Who is the she? 2. What’s the name of the city? And the name of the architecture? 3. What’s the name of statue face? And the name of the film? Audrey Hepburn, the famous Hollywood film star. It’s Rome. Coliseum. “The mouth of truth”. And the film is Roman Holiday. Lead in Rome, the Capital of Italy Rome is an ancient city with many cultural relics. 2. the Roman Forum 古罗马广场 1. the Coliseum 圆形竞技场 3. Saint Peter Basilica (the museum of Vatican) 圣彼得大教堂 Lead in Italy and the Renaissance The Renaissance (文艺复兴) 14th cen. to the late 16th cen., is considered to be the bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. A. the sculpture of Mourning for Christ by Michelangelo B B. the Sistine Chapel C. the Last Judgement by Michelangelo (paintings) C A Lead in Vatican, the Holy City The Vatican City State, the smallest country in the world, is the center of Catholicism all over the world, the seat of the Holy See headed by the Pope. The city is built on the tomb of Saint Peter, the first Pope. C. the bird view of Vatican City B. the Saint Peter Square A A. Pope Benedict XVI D. the Sistine Chapel wall painting Lead in 1. Temple of Heaven 3. the pyramids 4. a resort (度假胜地) of Maldives Travel Around the World 2. the Eiffel Tower If you have an opportunity to travel to any of the places mentioned, where would you like to go? Why? Reading Last week I visited Rome for the first time. I spent three busy days in the Italian capital, seeing lots of tourist attractions and walking down streets lit with Christmas decorations. Here are the things that I loved about the city. 1. attraction n. 向往的地方; 有吸引力的事 2. tourist attraction 旅游景点 2. decoration n. 装饰品 3. spend time doing sth. 花时间做...... 4. light (lit, lit) v. 点亮;照亮 Para.1 Reading A A Roman Holiday Reading task 1. What is the key information of paragraph One? A. The time and the place of the author’s holiday. B. The author spent three busy days touring the city. C. She loved the city. D. She love Christmas. Reading A A Roman Holiday Group Work I choose A. The first sentence tell about the time (last week ) and place (Rome) of “my” holiday. And B is also important information. It tells about what the author was doing in Rome. I choose C because the last sentence says that the author loves the city. And D is obviously wrong. A. The time and the place of the author’s holiday. B. The author spent three busy days touring the city. C. She loved the city. D. She love Christmas. Reading A A Roman Holiday Reading Rome is one of the most ancient cities in the world and is full of wonderful relics from its distant past. These include the Roman Forum, which was once the centre of public and political life in Ancient Rome, as well as the vast Coliseum, the largest outdoor theatre ever built and one of the greatest wond ... ...

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