
Unit5 I'm cleaning my room.(Lesson28) 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:2020864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 I’m cleaning my room. Lesson 28 What's the teacher doing ? She's having class . What's the doctor doing ? He's seeing a sick . What's the postman doing ? He's sending a letter. What's the cleaner doing? They're sweeping the street. Learning New Phrase Tell a story 讲 故事 What are you doing? 什么 你 (正在)做 _I‘m telling a story . 我 (正在)讲故事 Sing a song 唱 歌 What's Anna doing ? She's singing a song. Hello! I'm Anna ! Learning new words guitar: 吉他 play the guitar 弹吉他 I'm playing the guitar. Learning new words violin:小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 play 玩 play computer game 玩电脑游戏 play basketball 玩篮球 观察一下,它们有什么区别? play the guitar play the violin play basketball play computer games 注:乐器前一般都加定冠词。 球类前一般都不加定冠词。 Learning new words puppy:小狗 Learning new words puppet:木偶 Learning new words beat 击败 beat off 击败 打退 Learning new words See:看见,理解 注意:see是个不及物动词,与look 的区别:see强调看的结果,look强调看的动作。 Learning new words drum:鼓,圆鼓 beat the drum 击鼓 Learning new words fun:有趣的 have fun 玩的开心 do you?have?fun?with?your schoolmates for the weekend? 周末和你同学玩的开心吗? Learning new words join 参加 join in 加入 I Game time 教师迅速展示图片,由学生记忆。展示完之后,要求学生写出自己看到的图片相应的英语单词。 记忆大比拼 tell a story sing a song play the guitar play the violin puppy see drum have fun join in puppet Let’s talk Xiaoming: What’s he doing? Xiaohua: He’s telling a story. Xiaohong: No,he’s talking. Xiaogang: I am singing. 请四位同学分别扮演这四名角色来练习句型 Let’s talk what’s she doing? 注意:what’s 是what is的缩略形式 Let’s talk What is he doing now? He is eating/watching TV/playing game 表示这在发生的事情 Practice 运用学过的句型,分组练习对话。 What are you doing ? —I'm...... What's he/she doing ? _He/She ...... Let's Practice tell a story sing a song play the guitar play the violin practice puppy puppet drum beat off see have fun join in 熟悉一下学习过的短句和单词

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