
最新高考冲刺模拟卷速递—专题05 完形填空汇编 (每篇15个小题,共10篇)(有答案、解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:46次 大小:1313545Byte 来源:二一课件通
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完形填空汇编 (15个小题选项) (一) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题多给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Some kids are too young.Maybe they will not remember this time of social distancing and 41 during the global pandemic(流行病).Other 42 teens will remember schools closing,playgrounds off-limits and no 43 to family or friends forever. My father-in-law, Hub, had a great memory. He often told of his special time.However,what 44 me most was the detail about his teddy bear. He was 5 at the time.His oldest sister Alice got sick,and the doctor diagnosed it as scarlet fever(猩红热).Outbreaks of scarlet fever in the early 1900s were often 45 or left children with 1ifelong disabilities.It was also highly contagious(感染性的). The doctor said Hub and his another older sister Mabel had to stay away 46 Alice got better. Later in life,Hub put his memories to paper.He wrote,“There was no place to go except to Grandpa and Grandma’s just down the road.We 47 and were sent off to their house.My teddy bear fell off the wagon,but 48 ,a man found it on the road and gave it back.It was so important to me. It 49 me out of the days spent waiting out in the front yard,watching the men work on the highway and waiting for my sister Mabel to return from schoo1.” They stayed with their grandparents for three or four weeks.“It was a happy day 50 Dad told us we could go home.” What will be our memories of this time in history? I hope we remember family, friends and neighbors caring for one another. I hope we remember the 51 medical personnel sacrificing their own health,the truck drivers,food service workers and all the cashiers who kept grocery stores 52 . Besides, never forget the garbage collectors and that the mail kept coming. I hope we remember the plants 53 face masks and ventilators(呼吸机), and the scientists racing to find a vaccine. I hope we remember how fears 54 a long shadow and how we renew soul searching. We are writing history. 55 we write it well. 41.A.connection B.relationship C.difference D.isolation 42.A.smaller B.bigger C.younger D.older 43.A.calls B.parties C.visits D.talks 44.A.came to B.struck C.occurred to D.shocked 45.A.deadly B.slight C.easy D.sharp 46.A.once B.until C.after D.when 47.A.sorted out B.picked up C.packed up D.put up 48.A.secretly B.fortunately C.suddenly D.immediately 49.A.took B.reviewed C.forgot D.recalled 50.A.that B.when C.while D.where 51.A.diligent B.busy C.exhausted D.white 52.A.close B.away C.clean D.open 53.A.selling B.inventing C.manufacturing D.donating 54.A.drag B.cast C.bright D.extend 55.A.Should B.Can C.May D.Must 41—45DDCBA 46—50 BCBAB 5 1—55CDCBC 本文属于新课标“人与自我”主题语境下“健康的生活方式,积极的生活态度”范畴。疫情给人们的生活带来各种消极变化,尽管如此,艰难抗“疫”过程中依然不缺乏充满善意、暖人心的故事。全球历史性的 ... ...

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