
广东省广州市2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末总复习之语法选择专项训练 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:47068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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广州市2020-2021学年七年级第二学期期末总复习 语法选择专项训练 (1) 语法选择 Dear Jason, ???I am very happy to get your email. You say you’re going to visit me during the summer holiday. That’s really???11???news. Now, I would like???12???you some plans for the holiday. ???During???13???first three days, I am going to show you around Beijing. Beijing is the capital of our country. It is one of???14???in China. And it is famous???15???its long history. We are going to visit some places of interest here like the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum. We can take photos and???16???something special for friends. ?????17???the second day, we are going shopping on Wangfujing Street. It’s a good place to have fun. There???18???many good restaurants and the food there is really delicious. ??19???is ready for you. I am sure you will enjoy???20???in Beijing. 11. A. a good B.?a?well C. good D. well 12. A.?tell B.?to tell C.?telling D.?told 13. A.?a B.?an C.?the D.?/ 14. A.?old city B.?older cities C.?oldest cities D.?the oldest cities 15. A.?for B.?of C.?about D.?from 16. A.?buy B.?buys C.?buying D.?bought 17. A.?In B.?At C.?For D.?On 18. A.?is B.?are C.?has D.?have 19. A.?Something B.?Everything C.?Anything D.?Nothing 20. A.?yourself B.?herself C. himself D.?itself (2) 语法选择 Every year a large part of rainforests disappears on the Earth. There were lots of plants and animals living in these forests years ago. But now many of 1 die. Other animals have to leave and find 2 new forest to make their home. Why do the rainforests disappear so 3 ? The main reason is that people destroy rainforests. People cut down many trees in the rainforests every year. They use the trees 4 furniture and paper. Farmers need to grow food and keep animals, 5 they turn rainforests into farms. The drought(早灾)is bad for rainforests too. In 2010, a big drought 6 in the Amazon Rainforest. Rivers dried up and 7 plants and animals died. The drought also made the air 8 dry that the forest fire happened easily. Many animals lost their homes 9 the fire. It's time to protect the rainforests. All of us 10 take care of the forests to make the world more beautiful. 1. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 2. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. A. more quickly B. quick C. quicker D. quickly 4. A. to produce B. producing C. produced D. produce 5. A. but B. and C. because D. so 6. A. happens B. happened C. will happen D. is happening 7. A. 3 millions B. million of C. millions of D. 3 millions of 8. A. very B. quite C. too D. so 9. A. because of B. as a result C. because D. as 10. A. may B. can C. should D. might (3) 语法选择 I’m a collector. My____41___is telephone cards. Now, I have over one thousand. ____42___are all about even part of the world, such as buildings, scenery, animals, plants and works of arts. My favorite is ____43___cartoon picture named “Merry Christmas”. It describes what children___44___ on a very happy Christmas Eve: some are sending presents to their friends while ... ...

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