

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:48128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020学年牛津上海版英语八年级第二学期期末词性转换练习 Date_____ Class_____ Name_____ Final Revision U1-U3 I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 1. She came into the classroom _____ with some books in her hands. (quiet) 2. I’m good at maths. So I want to be an _____ in the future. (account) 3. Jay Chou is a _____ singer in China. (success) 4. At the beginning, I wasn’t _____ (interest) in English. 5. John and Jack are the _____ of the game. (win) 6. Mary is a _____ girl (friend). She treasures(珍惜)_____ very much. (friend) 7. Please put your _____ on the cheque( 支票). (sign) 8. Don’t _____ here. Be quiet, please. (argument) 9. The _____ students are from Class Five. (follow) 10. My uncle works in a farm and has a _____ diet than before. (health) 11. When he heard the news, he went away _____. (hurry) 12. I never saw him before. He is a _____ here. (strange) 13. Can you solve this problem by _____, Peter? (you) 14. I was _____ to hear that news. (surprise) 15. She was unhappy because of her _____ in the exam. (fail) 16. I tried my best to work out the Maths problems _____. (succeed) 17. Some of the girls are active in the _____ Education lessons. (physics) 18. Excuse me, can you tell me how many small _____ there are in this town? (busy) 19. Our pilot felt rather_____ when he knew one passenger was missing. (worry) 20. If you want to keep _____, you must give up smoking. (health) 21. _____, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me by a kind-hearted girl. (lucky) 22. I’m learning _____, but I still can’t speak it well (Germany) 23. The _____ of our new car will be very high because of the best performance (性能). (sell) Final Revision U4-U5 I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 1. I met several _____(Greece)and two_____(Africa) . They are not all _____(Europe) 2. Happy Valley is an _____park which cam make people_____. (amuse) 3. Jay Chou is the _____ of the song ‘rainbow’. (create) 4. We can know about the_____of dinosaurs from those skeletons. (life) 5. Frogs are _____so we mustn’t be_____ to them. (harm) 6. Diogenes, the great_____(think), has been _____for two thousand years.(die) 7. I was _____(fright) by that huge dog, It is much _____(fierce) than my pet. 8. I was _____ to hear that news. (surprise) 9. The _____ students are in Class Five. (follow) 10. Bring your mobile phone in case that you get _____in the mall. (lose) 11. Edison had a _____brain because he was able to _____ lots of inventions. (creation) 12. I cannot hear you _____ (clear) so I just understand you_____. (part) 13. Can you _____(solution) this problem by _____, Peter? (you) 14. She came into the classroom _____ with some books in her hands. (quiet) 15. Benny was so _____ that he made lots of mistakes in the maths examination. (care) 16. Trees can make the streets more beautiful and less _____. (noise) 17. At the beginning, I wasn’t _____ (interest) in English. 18. John and Jack are the _____ of th ... ...

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