
牛津深圳(广州)版七年级下册Unit 8 From hobby to career词汇详解+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:2496570Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳(广州)版七年级下册 Unit 8 From hobby to career词汇知识点详解 career [ k?'ri? (r)] 事业 achieve [ ?'t?i:v ] 达到,实现 planet [ 'pl?nit ] 行星 sail [ seil ] 驾驶帆船航行 satellite [ 's?t?lait ] 卫星 decide [ di'said ] 决定 velvet [ 'velvit ] 丝绒;天鹅绒 train [ trein ] 训练;接受训练 diamond [ 'dai?m?nd ] 钻石 alone [ ?'l?un ] 独自 shoot [?u:t ] 射,冲,飞驰 in the future 将来 host [ h?ust ] 主持 used to 曾经 knowledge [ 'n?lid? ] 知识 go outside 外出 lively [ 'laivli ] 生动的 look like 看起来像… last [ la:st ] 持续 more and more 越来越多 actually [ '?kt?u?li ] 事实上 grow up 长大 anybody [ 'enib?di ] 任何人 go sailing 去进行帆船活动 熟悉读音与词性: 重点词用法详解: 【1】shoot(shot-shot) v. (朝某个方向)射;冲;飞驰 【辨析】 shoot与shoot at   (1)shoot 射中;射死   (2)shoot at 朝……射   He shot a bird and killed it. 他射中了一只鸟,把它打死了。 He shot at the bird, but missed it. 他对着鸟开枪,但没射中。 【应用】   (1) Hands up, or I’ll _____(shoot).   (2) A man with a gun is _____ _____ the crowds. (3) The police came around the corner and they started _____ the robber. A. shoot at B. shooting at C. shooting 【2】 lively adj.充满活力的,活泼的,有生气的 【拓展】 辨析:lively, alive, live与living 这四个词都可用作形容词,异同点如下: lively常用作定语或表语,意为“充满活力的,活泼的,有生气的”; alive常作表语或后置定语,“有生命的,活的”。 He was alive when they took him to the hospital. 人们把他送到医院时他还活着。 He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇妙的方法,使他的课堂生动有趣。 live作定语,“活的,有生命的(主要用来指鸟或其他动物);现场的,直播的”。 Look! These is a live fish in the pool.看!池子里有一条活鱼。 We watched a live television show. 我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。 living意为“活的,健在的”。 His grandpa is still living at the age of 96. 他爷爷96岁了,仍然健在。 【应用】 The (live) are more important to us than the dead. He told a very (live) story. The fish is still (live). 【3】last v. 持续 【拓展】   (1)last adj. 上一个;最后的   (2)at last 终于;最后 He was the last person to arrive. 他是最后一个到的。 At last, he worked out the Maths problem. 他终于算出了这道数学题。 【应用】  (1)( )The boring film _____ for two hours. A. is B. begins C. lasts (2)( )We got to the top of the mountain _____. A. last B. at last C. in the last (3)你觉得这场暴风雨会持续多长时间?(根据汉语意思完成句子) _____ _____ do you think the storm will _____? 【4】actually adv. 事实上;实际上 【拓展】   (1) in fact 事实上;实际上   (2) as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上    In fact, I think you are right. 事实上,我认为你是对的。 You look very well yourself, as a matter of fact. 事实上,你自己看上去也很好。 【应用】   (1) In fact, I think an old car is better than none.(改为同义句)   _____   (2) Actually I have taught History for five years.(改为同义句)   _____ 【5】achieve v. (凭长期努力)达到(某目标、地位、标准) 【拓展】   achievement ... ...

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