
(人教新版)五年级英语下册课件 Unit 5 Lesson 25(3)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:20次 大小:771891Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson25 蓟县城关小学 张晓芬 lamp How much is it It’s fifty-six yuan ¥ 56 Dad , look at the lamps. They are so nice! Can I have one, please. Sure. A lamp shop Good afternoon. Can I help you Yes. I want a lamp. Can I have a look at this one OK. Here you are. But I like that one. Which one The one over there. All right. Here you are How much is it Fifty-six yuan We’ll take it. Here is the monkey. 我们买它,给你钱 Thank you. Do you want anything else No, thanks. Good-bye! 请选择合适的单词补全句子: 1. Little girl, do you want _____else 2. The book is very nice. I’ll____ it. 3. Twenty and thirty is_____. 4. Can I____you 5. Can I have a look_____ the dog 6._____bag do you like The one on the desk. 1.Which 2.anything 3.take 4.at 5.help 6.fifty 7.much 7. How_____ is it 创新表演: 今天是星期天小明和小丽去购物学习用具, 请你们编一个对话,并把它们表演出来 Today’s homework: 1.Listen to the tape, then read after it. 2.Make up a new dialogue, then act it out.

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