

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:88次 大小:1398313Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    六年级下册Recycle 单元测试卷 选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的选项。 ( )1、A. peak B. bread C. beach D. team ( )2、A. get B. west C. seven D. she ( )3、A. use B. must C. thumb D. hungry ( )4、A. water B. class C. ask D. banana ( )5、A. cook B. good C. foot D. broom 在横线上填入a,an,the或/,补全句子。 I have English book. Book is very nice. This is apple.It’s big apple. I like playing football and playing violin. Amy is beautiful girl. She is tallest in my class. Sun is much bigger than earth. There is bed in my bedroom. On bed,there are some books. 选词,用其正确形式填空。 My mother lives in China. she is a doctor. She in a big hospital. Every day she up at 6:30.She breakfast at 8:30. After breakfast she to work by bus. She usually goes home at 5:30. After dinner, she often TV and reads books. At 10:30 she to bed. 四、单项选择 ( ) 1. I have a friend. He is _____ than me. A. strong B. strongest C. stronger ( ) 2. I usually eat breakfast _____ seven o’clock in the morning. A . at B. on C. of ( ) 3. A: _____ you clean the room last night? B: Yes, I cleaned the room. A. Did B. Do C. Does ( ) 4. My father usually ____ out for a walk after supper. A. going B. goes C. to go ( ) 5. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he ____ good. A. feel B. felt C.feels ( ) 6. I’m going to _____ a race with his father. A. have B. has C. had ( ) 7. A: What happened? B: He _____ off his bike. A. fall B. fell C. falled ( ) 8.Do you know girl in red? A.a B. an C.the ( )9.If you want to buy some pears, you can go to the . A. bank B. fruit shop C. pet shop ( )10.— what’s your hobby? — I like A. dives B. making kites C. collect leaves 五、读对话,根据对话所描述的场景,选择合适的问句或答句,并将答案写在题前的括号内。 ( )1.Doctor: Good morning! Jack: Oh, I have a bad headache. A. What’s the matter with you? B.What’s this? ( )2.Nancy: Excuse me, Miss Li. Miss Li: It’s on December 25th. A.When is Thanksgiving Day? B. When is Christmas? ( )3.Shop assistant: Good afternoon! Mike: Yes, I’d like to buy a pair of shoes. A. Did you go shopping yesterday? B.Can I help you? ( )4.Jackson: Excuse me, sir! Can you tell me the way to Baotu Spring? Policeman: Yes, of course. A. You can take No.66 bus to get there. B.It’s very beautiful. ( )5.Teacher: What’s your hobby, Mary? Mary: A. I am going to swim. B. I like swimming. 六、选词填空。 1、— did you do last weekend?— I watched TV. 2、— did your mother go to work yesterday? — By bike. 3、— I went to your house.You were out. did you go? — I visited my grandparents. 4、— did you go to sleep?— At 10:30 5、— wasn’t she at school? — she was ill. 七、根据首字母填空。 1. The students talked about the National Day h . Mike went to Shanghai and v his aunt. He saw many interesting things in Shanghai M .David went to a f . He picked some apples and w fishing there.He h a good time there. There are many changes in my family these years.Five years ago,my father use a the telephone to call people. But now he h a mobile phone.He can ... ...

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