
人教PEP三年级下册英语 期中测试题(无听力试题,含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:186250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教PEP三年级下册英语期中测试题 一、选出每组中画线字母读音不同的一项。(10分) (  ) 1. A. boy  B. toy   C. today (  ) 2. A.?girl ?? B.?green ? ?C. orange (  ) 3. A. red ?? B. new ?? C. pencil (  ) 4. A. face ?? B.?cat ?? C.?Canada (  ) 5. A.?China ??B. school ??C.?child 二、将下列单词分类, 将序号填在对应方框里。(10分) 1. Australia   2. short    3. China   4. Canada     5. big 6. the USA 7. brother 8. fat 9. sister 10. grandpa    三、选出下列每组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。(10分) (  ) 1. A. Canada B. China C. are (  ) 2. A. small B. dad C. thin (  ) 3. A. friend B. mother C. grandma (  ) 4. A. my B. your C. teacher (  ) 5. A. giraffe B. student C. dog 四、单项选择。(20分) (  ) 1. Dad, this _____ my friend Tom. A. am  B. are C. is (  ) 2. He's short _____ tall. A. and B. or C. so (  ) 3. That woman is my mother. _____ a teacher. A.She's B. He's C. It's (  )4.?I'm _____ the UK. What _____ you? A. from;about  B. about;from C. from;from (  )5.?This is Mr Jones. _____ is tall. A. She ?B. He ?C. We (  )6.?-_____? - I'm from China. A. Where you are from? ? B. Where are you from? C. where are you from? (  )7.?I_____a student and he _____ a teacher. A. am, is ?B. is,am?C. are,am (  )8.?It _____ long _____. A. have,leg ?B. has,legs ?C. is,legs (  ) 9. -Is he your brother? -_____. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he is. C. Yes, he isn’t. (  ) 10. This is _____family. A. me B. you C. my 五、情景判断,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。(10分) (  )1. 你的好朋友王元是山东人,来你家做客时,你这样向妈妈介绍他:Mum, this is my good friend Wang Yuan. I am from Shan dong. (  )2. 你觉得妈妈很漂亮,你拿着她的照片对同学说:She's my mother. She is beautiful. (  )3. 放学了,你看到张鹏和一个陌生的男孩手站在你面前,你想知道这个男孩是谁,你这样问:Who's that girl, ZhangPeng? (  )4. 你和爸爸去动物园游玩,爸爸指着一只熊对你说:Look at the tiger. It's so fat. It has a short tail and small ears. (  )5. 你想问问同桌知道多少动物,你这样说:How many animals do you know? 六、给下列句子选择合适的应答语。(10分) (  ) 1. Who's that woman? (  ) 2. Look at the giraffe. (  ) 3. Where are you from? (  ) 4. This is my new friend,Sandy. (  ) 5. Is he your brother?   七、连词成句。(10分) 1. a, has, body, dog, the, long (.) from, you, where,are(?) is, man, who, that(?) has, it, and, legs, big,eyes,long(.) is,my,this,family(.) 八、小小阅读家。(20分)第一部分选择正确答案,第二部分正确的写T,错误的写F。 (一) Jane White is a girl. She is from the USA. She is a student. Her father is Bill White and her mother is Joan White. Her brother Bob is a student, too. Jane has long hair(头发). She is tall, but(但是) Bob is short. (  ) 1. Jane White is from _____. A. China B. the UK C. the USA (  ) 2. She is _____. A. short B. tall C. quiet(安静的) (  ) 3. Her brother is a _____. A. student B. teacher C. worker(工人) (  ) 4. Jane's hair is _____. A. short B. black C. long (  ) 5. Bob is _____ ... ...

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