
Unit 5 my clothes B let‘s talk 公开课课件+素材(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:36次 大小:8839944Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 My Clothes Part B Let's talk 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 Sing a song dress hat shirt jacket sweater shoes shorts pants coat skirt socks I have so many clothes! How can I match ? 我有那么多衣服,我该如何搭配呢? Dress nicely.(穿着漂亮) Dress comfortably.(穿着舒适) Dress suitably.(穿着合适) Dress properly.(穿着恰当) 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 I want to wear... 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 He's so funny! Whose coat is this? 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 Q: Whose coat is this? Listen and answer A: It's _____. Sam Mom Sarah mine my coat fine nine shine 初中语文学科知识与教学能力 Q: Whose pants _____ _____? Listen and answer A: They’re _____. Sam’s father’s father are these jacket Whose jacket is this? John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa It’s Sarah’s. Is this jacket yours? No, it isn’t .it is not mine. sweater John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa Whose ___ is this? It’s ____. Is this ___ yours? No, it isn’t .it is not mine. dress John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa Whose ___ is this? It’s ____. Is this ___ yours? No, it isn’t .it is not mine. socks John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa Whose ___ are those They’re ____. Are these ___ yours? No,they aren’t .They ‘re not mine. John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa Whose ___ are those They’re ____. Are these ___ yours? No,they aren’t .They ‘re not mine. Let’s chant Whose coat is this? Whose coat is this? It’s mine. It‘s mine. It’s my coat. Whose pants are those? Whose pants are those? They’re yours.They’re yours. They’re your pants. Whose coat is this? OK. They're your father's. Sarah, Can you help me, please? And those?Whose pants are those? Readand repeat It’s mine. Oh no. Sam. You're funny. Let's talk A: Whose …is this? B: It’s…’s. A: Whose … are these? B: They’re…’s. 过关检测 选词填空。 mine —Is that your pencil, john? —Yes, it’s_____. 2. —Is this _____ ruler? —No, it isn’t. it’s Liu Fang’s. your 这是谁的连衣裙? A. Whose dress is this? B. Whose skirt is this? C. Whose dress are these? 2. 那是谁的鞋子? A. Whose shoes are those? B. Whose pants are these? C. Whose shoes are these? ( ) 1. Whose coat _____? It’s John’s. A. it is B. is this C. are they ( ) 2. Whose jacket is that? It’s _____. A.mines B.my’s C.mine ( ) 3. Look at those beautiful flowers, they’re_____. A. my sister B. your sister C. my sister’s ( ) 4._--_____ skirts are these? --They’re John’s. A. How many B. Whose C. Who ( ) 5.--Is this your shirt? --_____. A. It’s yours. B.No, it’s mine. C. Yes, it is. B C C B C

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