
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section A 知识点讲义

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:30次 大小:646986Byte 来源:二一课件通
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( 第 9 讲 Why do you like pandas ?( A) ) 掌握与动物园里的动物话题相关的词汇以及表示性质、品质的形容词; 掌握 why 引导的特殊疑问句及形容词的用法; 掌握用 because 表示原因的方法; 掌握祈使句:let’s do sth. Hello! My dear friend! What animals do you like? Elephant? Giraffe? Why do you like it? Cute? Smart? ( 10 ) So, what do they always do? sleep? eat? play? … Today, we are going to talk about the animals and to learn the words and Phrases about animals. 词汇 sleep, friendly, save, forget, danger, kind, cut down, south, a lot, get lost, let 语法 where 引导的特殊疑问句及形容词的用法。 用 because 表示原因。 kind /ka?nd/ n. 种类 用法 例句 (1) kind of 意为“稍微,有点”,相当于副词,修饰形容词或副词,与 a bit / little 的意思相同。 The monkey is kind of smart. (2) a kind of / some kinds of / all kinds of I don’t like this kind of show. 意为“一种 / 几种 / 各种各 样” There are all kinds of clothes in this shop. 【即学即练】 A panda is animal; it is cute. (a kind of/kind of) It's very kind you. Thank you for your help. of B. for C. to D. on 我认为这部电影有点无聊。 I think this film is boring. sleep /sli?p/ v. & n. 睡觉 用法 例句 go to sleep 意为“睡着,入睡” Got to sleep now, it’s late. 【即学即练】 It is ten o'clock in the evening and I want to go to s . 我爷爷通常很早就睡觉了。 My grandpa often _ very early. a lot 很,非常 用法 例句 (1) 在句中做副词短语,用来 修饰动词。 It usually rains a lot at this time of year. (2) 做名词性短语,通常在句中做主语、宾语或表语,其后常接动词不定式做后置定 语。多用于肯定句。 There is a lot to see at the party. 辨析:a lot, lots of, a lot of a lot 做副词短语,意为“很,非常”,常用于修饰动词和形容词的比较级,修饰动词时相当于 very much. I like English a lot.(修饰动词like)= I like English very much. lots of a lot of =lots of, 意为“许多,很多”,可修饰可数名词复数,如:a There are a lot of/ lots of cars in the street. = There are many cars in the street. a lot of lot of flowers 很多花,相当于 many;也可修饰不可数名词, 如 lots of water 很多水,相当于 much The baby drinks lots of/ a lot of/ much milk every day. 【即学即练】 用 a lot, lots of, a lot of 填空 There are famous movie stars in the USA. I can learn about Chinese history. friendly /?frendl? / adj. 友好的,友善的 用法 例句 be friendly to 意为“对某人好” Our neighbours are friendly to us. 【即学即练】 The old man is very (友好的) to others. 这星期同学们对我真好。 save /se?v/ v. 救助,拯救 用法 例句 save one’s life 意为“挽救某人的生命” We can save the baby’s life. 【即学即练】 他能挽救那只可怜的小狗的生命。 He can save life. My mother is a doctor. She many people's lives every year. forget /f?'get/ v. 忘记 用法 例句 (1) 做不及物动词 Forget about it. (2) 做及物动词,其后可以直接跟宾语,也可跟动词不定式或动名词做宾 语。 I will never forget the day. Don’t forget to do sports. (3) 其反义词为remember, 形容词为 forgetful。 She is a forgetful girl. 辨析:forget to do sth. / forget doing sth. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 (事情还没有做) Don’t forget to close t ... ...

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