
Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B (1a-1e) 课件26张PPT+教案+课后练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:28次 大小:30561738Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级英语下第11单元第3课时 Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section B 1a-1d 课后练习 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Tomorrow is Sunday.What about ? A.go shopping B.going shopping C.going shoping D.go shop 2.He to the zoo yesterday. A.goes B.go C.goed D.went 3.Uncle Mike here two hours ago. A.came to B.goes C.got D.comes 4.Can you eat beef once? A.so many B.so much C.some D.many 5. the evening of Sunday, she began to learn English. A.On B.In C.At D.For Ⅱ.完形填空 John had a(n) 6 weekend. On Saturday morning, he 7 to the library. He 8 math. 9 Saturday afternoon he went to the park. He played tennis 10 his friend,Lea. Lisa was busy on Saturday,too. She 11 her room in the morning. In the afternoon she 12 her friend,Kim. They played computer games. On Sunday morning John and Lisa played 13 tennis. They had 14 .In the afternoon Lisa was busy. She studied math and science in the library. But John was 15 .He watched TV. 6.A.busy B. exciting C. free D. quiet 7.A.go B.goes C.goed D.went 8.A.study B.studies C.studied D.studyed 9.A.On B.In C.At D.For 10.A.and B.with C.during D.or 11.A.is cleaning B.clean C.cleans D.cleaned 12.A.visited B.called C.phoned D.saw 13.A.the B.a C.an D./ 14.A.a fun B.fun C.funny D.funs 15.A.interesting B.interested C.boring D.bored Ⅲ.阅读理解 Dear Diary, I am an eleven-year-old boy.I am in Class 3,Grade 7.I like math very much. I went to the bookshop to buy a math book this afternoon. It was raining on my way to the bookshop. So I stopped.I ran to my school. My classmates were there,too. I was very happy. I saw my watch. It was a quarter past three. I wanted to play games. I played ping-pong with my classmates in school’s ping-pong room. At half past four,the rain stopped. I went to the bookshop. Zhang Xin 16.Zhang Xin wanted to buy book. A.a Chinese B.a math C.an English D.a story 17.What was the weather like? A.It was sunny. B.It was windy. C.It was snowy. D.It was rainy. 18.Zhang Xin went to because it rained. A.the post office B.his school C.his home D.the shop 19.It was when Zhang Xin got to the school. A.a quarter to three B.a quarter past three C.half past three D.twenty past three 20.Zhang Xin played with his classmates. A.chess B.football C.basketball D.ping-pong 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1.B What about...?句型用来提建议,about是介词,后接v.-ing形式。go shopping去购物,固定短语。 2.D 动作发生在过去,动词应用过去式。go的过去式为went。 3.C 由时间状语two hours ago把B、D两项排除。 come,go,get等词后接地点副词here,there,home等时,省略介词。 4.B beef是不可数名词,so much接不可数名词。 5.A 在某一天的晚上用介词on。 Ⅱ.6.A 从下文“Lisa was busy on Saturday,too.”可知。 7.D 过去时间发生的动作用一般过去时。 8.C study的过去式为studied。 9.A 在某天的上午、下午、晚上用介词on。 10.B do sth. with sb.和某人一起做某事。 11.D clean her room为过去发生的事,需用一般过去时。 12.A 由下句“They played computer games.”知,应是去“看望朋友”。 13.D play后跟球类名词时,球类名词前不用冠词。 14.B have fun玩得痛快,fun为不可数名词。 15.D bo ... ...

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