
外研版2021年中考英语一轮教材复习课件:八年级上册 Modules 10~12 (38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:21次 大小:1356800Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级上册 Modules 10~12 高频考点·核心突破 1. Not usually, _____ this year it snowed quite a lot. 尽管今年雪下得相当多, 但是不经常下雪。 although conj. 然而; 尽管 although 【辨·不同】 although 用作连词, 意为“虽然”, 比though更加正式, 语气更强 although引导的从句放在主句前后均可。although不能与but连用, 但可以和yet, still连用 though 用作连词, 意为“虽然; 尽管”, 放在句首、句末均可。用作副词, 放在句末, 意为“可是, 不过” 用于短语, as though “好像, 仿佛”; even though “即使, 纵然” 【考点·练】 (   )①(2019·武威、白银中考)_____it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. ? A. Although  B. Because  C. However (   )②_____Bob is very tall, _____he can’t play basketball. ? A. /; but     B. Although; but C. Because; so A A 2. Me _____. 我也不。 neither adv. (某人或某事物) 也不 neither 副词 置于句首, 用倒装语序。neither + be/助动词/情态动词+主语, 意为“……也不……”, 前面一句应为否定句 代词 (1)常与of连用, neither of +代词/名词复数 (2)作主语时, 谓语动词常用单数 形容词 (1)用在单数名词前 (2)与其所修饰的词作主语时, 谓语动词常用单数 连词 (1)与nor构成短语neither. . . nor, 意为“既不……也不……”, 连接两个并列成分表示否定, 反义短语为both. . . and. . . , 连接两个并列成分表示肯定 (2)连接主语时, 谓语动词遵循“就近原则” (1)—I don’t like this book. 我不喜欢这本书。 —Neither/Nor do I. 我也不喜欢。 (2)—Which one would you like? 你喜欢哪一个? —Neither. 两个都不喜欢。 (3)Neither boy likes English. 两个男孩都不喜欢英语。 (4)He is neither fat nor thin. 他既不胖也不瘦。 【考点·练】 (   )①(2020·滨州中考) —Where did you buy that beautiful hat, from a shop or a supermarket? —_____. I am used to shopping online. ? A. Neither   B. Either   C. Both (   )②(2019·百色中考)Neither my sister nor I _____been to Xi’an before. ? A. have never B. have ever C. has ever A B (   )③(2020·绥化中考) —Will you go to the movies tomorrow? —If you don’t go, _____. ? A. neither do I B. neither won’t I C. neither will I C 3. They ____ great. 它们味道好极了。 taste v. 有……的味道 n. 味道; 滋味 taste 【温馨提示】其他的和taste有类似用法的感官动词有: look(看起来), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), feel(摸起来)等。 【考点·练】 (   )①(2020·丹东中考)—Tom, please have some fish. —Thanks. It tastes _____. I want more. ? A. well B. awful C. Good C (   )② (2019·乐山中考)—Look, Linda. The flowers in our classroom came out in one night. —I can’t believe it. They are beautiful and colorful. They _____great. ? A. sound   B. smell   C. taste B be sure+of/about+动名词或名词 “确信……”; “对……有把握” be sure to do 表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断, 认为句子主语“必定”“必然会”“准会” be sure to do (祈使句) 不是表示判断, 而是表示对对方的要求, 意为“务必要”“一定要” make/be sure + 宾语从句 表示主句主语对宾语从句中涉及的事物所作出的判断, 意为“确信某事一定会……” 4. _____he’s warm. 确保他不受凉。? make sure 确保; 确认 Make sure (   )①These operations can make sure _____. ? A. to your safety B. of your safety C. that you’re safety ②请务必尽快完成 ... ...

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