
Unit 3 Travel Period 6 Reading B 课件(33张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:89次 大小:8941119Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 上外版2020年高中英语必修一 Unit 3 TRAVEL Period 6 Reading B 教学设计 课题 Travel Young, Travel Far 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 Senior Grade 1 教材 分析 Reading B is a return letter to a teenage travel dreamer by Shannon. In the letter, the author gives some advice to help the teenager with the school subject problems, and some suggestions on how to make a travel plan. 教学目标与核心素养 1. Knowledge objectives: how to solve the contradiction between one’s interest and school subjects for teenagers; being practical in making a travel plan; Skill objectives: close reading and grasping the main idea of a paragraph; how to analyse a long difficult sentence; 3. Emotional objectives: love of travel; maintain the travel dream; 4. Thinking quality objectives: see the school subjects from different perspectives; 重点 Completing reading tasks of each paragraph; Language Points; 难点 understanding the following sentence: “Travel was a goal I believed would finally signal that I had made it through to the other side of my troubled background.” 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入 PPT 2-5 1. introducing great travelers home and abroad; 2. introducing space travels; 1. learning about the great ancient Chinese travelers and foreign travelers; 2. doing picture talking of space travel; 1. introducing the topic of Reading B: travel dreams; 讲授新课 PPT 6: Reading Paragraph 1 & 2 PPT 7-9, Reading Task 1 + Group Work 1. What is the teenager’s problem according to the passage? Choose the best answer(s). Boy 1: A is true, because line 6-8 writes “you are not very happy about taking the subjects that don't interest you.” Boy 2: B is not the answer. Asking for advice, I believe, should not be defined as a problem. QM Girl: Then C is not the answer, either. Because it’s not mentioned in the passage. Smile: We cross out B, C here, and, A and D are the right answers. PPT 10-11, RT 2 + Group Work 2. What is Shannon’s advice to the teenager about his problem in paragraph 1 and 2? Choose the best answer(s). Boy 1: A is not true. Boy 2: Neither is D. Line 16-18 writes, “These exact skills will help you overcome obstacles that stand between you and your travel dreams.” QM Girl: B and C are the answers. Line 10-18 says the study skills of your school learning are very important for your life. PPT 12-13, Language Points PPT 14, Reading Paragraph 3 PPT 15-17, RT 3 + Group Work 3. What are the key message of paragraph 3? Choose the correct answer(s). Boy 1: Though A is true, it is not the key message. Boy 2: D is true too, but it is not the key message either. QM Girl: C is not the main idea, I believe. Boy 3: B is the choice. The phrase “stay practical” has been repeated several times in the text emphasizing its importance. Boy 1: Can you list the lines that “stay practical” appears? Boy 2: Sure. QM Girl: And “Work hard, chart a course ... stick to it.” is the interpretation of “stay practical”, isn’t it? Boy 2: Right! ... ...

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