
Module 2 Arts and crafts Unit 3 Traditional skills 单元过关练习(无答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:56191Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 中文 英文 词性 说明;形容 n. 描述;形容 v. 渔民 n. 网 n. 虽然;尽管 conj. 健壮的;健康的 adj. 鸬鹚 n. 下潜 v. 准备好 v. 到达;抵达 v. 吸引;使喜爱 v. 悬挂;吊 v. 柱;杆 n. 需要;依靠 v. 从事 v. 用具;器具 n. 剪刀[pl.] n. 图案 n. 文字;符号;人物;角色 n. 健康 n. 幸运 n. 婚礼;结婚庆典 n. 生面团 n. 粗糙的 adj. 大小 n. 简单的 adj. 有吸引力的;迷人的 剪纸 到达;至多有 出发;动身 起伏;上下波动 天黑后;黄昏后 不再;再也不 (在某段时间内)一直; 英语解释英语 The flower show attracts many people. makes…come B. makes…to become bigger C. makes…become popular D. makes…leave 2.Now many women keep fit with diet and exercise. A. young B. healthy and strong C. weak and ill D. beautiful 3.Hang the picture somewhere on the wall. A. put into B. dropped from C. took from D. put on 4.The floor requires washing. A. makes B. sells C. asks D. needs He did not stop until he reached the door. arrived B. returned from C. got to D. left 单项选择 6.-How does the old man ? -By using cormorants. He is a and he works with cormorants every day. A. catch fish; policeman B. catch fish ; fisherman C. make a face ; fisherman D. make a face ; policeman 7.-What are the students busy ? -They are the competition. A. doing ;ready for B. doing ; ready with C. to do ; ready to D. to do ; ready with 8.-What does a good teacher ,Mary? -Enough patience and experience. A. need ; few B. need ; many C. require ;many D. require ; much 9.- will we have to walk? -We have twenty miles to cover to the nearest railway station. A. How long ; reach B. How long ; get to C. How far ; reach D. How far ;arrive 10.- beautiful painting! -Yes. It by Lucy last year. A. What ;painted B. How ; is painted C. What a ; was painted D. How ; painted 11.-I heard Bill -Yes. He stole some money to prison last month. A. sent ;from B. send ;to C. was sent ; from D. sending ; to 12.- you ever been to Paris? -Yes. I have been there once. It is a beautiful city and it many tourists every year. A. Have ; attracts B. Did ; realizes C. Have ; complains D. Did ; celebrates 13.-When will you for the beach, Millie? — half an hour. A. get off ;On B. get off ; With C. set off ; In D. set off ; With 14.-I will go for a picnic in Huatang Park. It’s boring. -But I heard it is a park and many people like to go there. A. no longer ; good B. no more ; bad C. no longer ;boring D. no more ; soft 15.-How beautiful the dress is! I like it very much! Thanks a lot! -You’re welcome. . A. I’m afraid not B. I don’t think so C. I’m glad you like it D. It doesn’t matter Take the medicine you go to bed. A. until B. before C. because D. after He never does his work Mary. A. as careful as B. so careful as C. as carefully as D. carefully as Mr Happy is outstanding in his job. He has seldom received a since he began the business. A. praise B. complain C. complaint D. complaints Mike the city of New York three days ago. He has been in the US for three days. A. left to B. left for C. left off D. leave for I'm old enou ... ...

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