
北师大版(三年级起点)六下Unit11 Review2 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:50次 大小:3412992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版小学六年级下册英语 Unit 11 Review weather ['we??(r)]? sun sunny ?[s?n] ?[?s?ni] cloudy cloud [kla?d] ?['kla?di] rainy rain [re?n] ['re?ni] snowy snow ?[sn??] ?['sn??i] windy wind [w?nd] ?['w?ndi] sun rain wind cloud snow sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy 小雨纷纷是rainy 阳光明媚是sunny 雪花飘飘snowy 乌云密布cloudy 要放风筝windy What is the weather like today? What’s the weather like tomorrow? It’s going to be rainy. It’s sunny. 1.Where are they going? 2.What’s the weather like this morning? 3.Does Ken like riding horses? 根据首字母提示补全单词 1.—What’s the w_____ like today? --It’s s____ today. Let’s make a snowman. 2.It’s going to be w____. Shall we fly a kite in a park? 3.It’s a r____ day. Please take an umbrella with you. eather nowy indy ainy Exercise ( )1. is the weather like today? --It’s cloudy. A how B What C How’s ( )2. the weather like today? --It’s rainy. A What B How C What’s ( )3.What is the weather like tomorrow? --It’s windy. We can fly a kite. A going B / C going to be B C C

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