
北师大版(三年级起点)六下 Unit10 Review 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:8065024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北师大版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Jobs My birthday Let's sing! Review: This is Ann's family. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Learn to Say: Let's Chant! What does he do? He is a doctor. What does she do? She is a nurse. What does he do? He is a vet. Do you know other jobs? Jobs 1.doctor 医生 2.nurse 护士 3.driver 司机 4.pilot 飞行员 5.policeman 警察 6.worker 工人 7.farmer 农民 8.teacher 教师 9.student 学生 10.vet 兽医 11.juggler 杂技演员 12.singer 歌唱家 13.dancer 舞蹈家 14.writer 作家 15.boxer: 拳击手 16.an actor 一名演员 17.an astronaut 一名宇航员 Game Time! 教师 writer 警察 舞蹈家 pilot 学生 worker 宇航员 driver 护士 Claps! Try to say: How many people are there in your family? Do you know their jobs? Talk about with your partner: What does your father do? What does your mother do? Practice: 1.Tom works on a farm.He is a_____. 2.My leg hurts,a_____can help me. 3.John is a_____.He drives a police car. 4.Mike studies at school.He is a_____. 5.My sister works in a hospital.But she isn't a doctor.She is a_____. farmer doctor policeman student nurse Try to say: Name:Liu Yang Age:41 Job: Birthday:Oct 6th What is her name? How old is she? What does she do? When is her birthday? An astronaut It's (on) October 6th. Learn to Say: It's 月份 序数词. When is your birthday? Months: 一月一月 January January January January 二月二月 February February February February 三月三月 March March March March 四月四月 April April April April 五月五月 May May May May 六月六月 June June June June 七月七月 July July July July 八月八月 August August August August 九月九月 September September September September 十月十月 October October October October 十一月十一月 November November November November 十二月十二月 December December December December How many months are there in a year? Can you say? Seasons: How many seasons are there in a year? Can you say? spring summer Autumn winter Game Time! 一月 March February 七月 十一月 冬天 五月 summer 秋天 八月 Claps! Try to say: Do you know your family's birthdays? Talk about with your partner: When is your father's birthday? When is your mother's birthday Game Time: What is your name? How old are you? What do you do? When is your birthday? What have we learned in this class? What have we learned in this class? What have you learned in this class? Do you have any questions?

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