
教科版(广州)英语四年级下册 Unit 5 What day is it today?单元测试卷

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:17次 大小:22486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教科版小学英语四年级下册第五单元测试卷 姓名 日期 判断画线部分读音是否一致,填T或F ( ) 1. A.Friday B. with ( ) 2. A.week B. tree ( ) 3. A.why B. shy ( ) 4. A. kind B. hi ( ) 5. A.dress B. driver 选出不同类的一项 ( ) 1. A.week B. day C.today D. stay ( ) 2. A.Mon B. Sat C.AM D. Fri ( ) 3. A.why B. when C.who D. shy ( ) 4. A.China B. maths C.music D. art ( ) 5. A.love B. day C.have D. like 选择填空 ( ) 1. –What’s your favourite ? --Friday, There is an art lesson on Friday, and I love drawing. A.day B. colour C. subject ( ) 2. I love singing, my favourite subject is music.. A. but B. then C.so ( ) 3. – do you like Tuesday? --There is a PE lesson on Tuesday, and I’m good at sports. A.When B.How C. Why ( ) 4.-- What do you have today? --We have two Chinese lessons, a maths lesson and an art lesson. A. classes B.day C.classrooms ( ) 5. –Is there an art lesson on Monday? --No, there isn’t, there is one on Tuesday. A. and B. so C.but 选用in, on, at 填空 A: When do you have computer classes? B: Tuesday and Friday. 2. A: When do you do your homework? B: Usually the afternoon, after school. Sometimes the evening. 3. A:Is there an English class Tuesday morning? B: Yes, and there’s one Thursday afternoon, too. 4. A:What time do you have dinner ? B: Usually seven o’clock. 5. I don’t like watching TV. I like to read night. 6. A: Do you sleep noon? B: Yes. We sleep for about 40 minutes in the classroom. 读表格,完成句子 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Chinese maths English maths Chinese maths English Chinese maths maths English computer Chinese PE computer art Chinese science computer art Afternoon PE music Chinese Chinese music 1. We have lessons a day. There are four lessons in the morning and one lesson in the . 2. On Monday we have , maths, English, and PE. 3.On and we have PE class. I love sport. 4. I don’t like . Because we have three lessons on that day. 5. My favourite day is . We have Chinese, maths, , art and music. 连词成句 1. do you Wednesday like (?) ? 2. favourite is Sunday day my (.) . 3. love singing sport I and (.) . 4. Monday is Tuesday or it (?) . 5. have art an lesson today we (.) . 看课表,判断T / F Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Chinese Maths English Chinese Maths English Chinese Maths Maths Chinese Maths English Chinese PE Music Afternoon science Maths Chinese English science Art PE Music Chinese ( ) 1. There are five lessons on Tuesday. ( ) 2. There are five English lessons in a week. ( ) 3. On Tuesday, there are two Maths lessons. ( ) 4. Maths lessons are always in the morning. ( ) 5. Chinese lessons are usually in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. ( ) 6. On Friday, the Chinese lesson is between the maths class and the music lesson. 8) 用所给的字母写周日单词,并按周日顺序给这些单词排序 1. dneayswed . 2. ndsyua . 3. uyratdsa . 4. daestuy . 5. onamdy . 6. dfyria . 7. tudarshy . 排序: . . ... ...

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