
教科版(广州)英语六年级下册 Unit 6 Steve Jobs 练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:100次 大小:195584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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SWE Book 8 Unit 6 More Practice: Steve Jobs 【练习一】快速阅读文本,连线配对。 【练习二】小组合作,细读文章,口头回答问题。 When and where was Steve Jobs born? What did Steve do after he left school? How did he like the job? Where did Steve build his first computer? What was the name of the company? What did Steve do after he left Apple? What happened to Apple when Steve returned? More questions:_____ 【练习三】小组合作,看图,根据提示,复述乔布斯的生平。 【练习四】小组合作,在情境中学习新词,猜词义,选择正确答案。 If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs, too. But quickly he got bored. C. Once again he was very successful. D. So in 1976 he and his friends started to build computers in their home. E. In 1988 Steve sold his company and returned to Apple. 1) maybe ( ) 2) go back to ( ) 3) do well in ( ) 4) not interested ( ) 5) begin ( ) 1) Liu Shaoqi _____ _____ in Hunan. 2) Work hard. Your dream(梦想) will _____ _____. 3) Apple Computers is a famous_____. 4) Steve Jobs _____ _____ a computer game-maker when he was young. 5) The women sold lots of dolls that day and _____ some _____. 6) Steve Jobs _____Apple ____ the biggest company in the world. 7) Tom was often late for school. Today he was late_____ _____. Miss White was very angry with him. 8) He got a job as a teacher soon after he _____ school. 【Homework】根据时间轴复述乔布斯的主要事迹。

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