
Unit 1 Our school subjects-Period 2 Fun time & Cartoon time 作业课件(共13张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:126954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 ?Period 2 一、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( ?) 1. A. Art B. Chinese C. playground C ( ?) 2. A. our B. we C. my B ( ?) 3. A. school B. desk C. sofa A ( ?) 4. A. morning B. afternoon C. good C ( ?) 5. A. Science B. Music C. China C 二、英汉互译。 1. 做一个蛋糕 ?_____ make a cake 2. our timetable ?_____ 我们的课程表 3. 什么课程 ?_____ what subjects 4. what lessons ?_____ 什么课 8. this afternoon ?_____ 今天下午 9. 今天早上 ?_____ this morning 10. Me too. ?_____ 我也是。 5. 怎么样 ?_____ what about 6. school subjects ?_____ 学校课程 7. 去操场 ?_____ go to the playground 三、单项选择。 ( ?) 1. — _____ —I like Chinese and Maths. A. What subjects do you have? B. What subjects do you like? C. What lessons do you have? B ( ?) 2. —What lessons do we have this morning? — _____ A. We have Music and Maths. B. I have Chinese and Maths. C. I like PE. It’s fun. A ( ?) 3. —What time is it? — _____ A. Let’s go to the playground. B. It’s 4:00. It’s time for PE. C. It’s Monday. B ( ?) 4. —I like Art. It’s fun. ?_____ —I don’t like Art. I like PE. A. What lessons do you have? B. It’s time for Art. C. What about you? C 四、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(每项限用一次) A.Me too. B.Let’s go to the playground. C.Nice to see you, Miss Li. D.I like Chinese and Maths. E.We have PE and Science. ( ?) 1. What lessons do we have? ( ?) 2. What subjects do you like? ( ?) 3. Welcome back to school, class. ( ?) 4. It’s time for PE. ( ?) 5. I like Maths. What about you? E D C B A 五、按要求改写句子。 1. I have Chinese and Maths this morning. (对画线部分提问) _____ ?_____ do you have this morning? What lessons 2. I like playing football. (改为否定句) I ?_____ ?_____ playing football. don’t like 3. I like Maths and English. (对画线部分提问) _____ ?_____ do you like? What subjects 4. I like Maths. (改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ like Maths? Do you 5. I have seven lessons on Monday. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ lessons do you have on Monday? How many 6. It’s time for Maths. (改为同义句) It’s time _____ _____ a Maths lesson. to have 六、读对话,根据对话内容判断句子正误。正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”。 Lily: Hi, Helen. What day is it today? Helen: It’s Tuesday. Lily: Let’s play basketball this afternoon. Helen: Sorry, I’m busy. I have Music and Art. Lily: What about Liu Tao? Helen: He doesn’t have any lessons. Lily: All right. Helen: But he has a football match. Lily: What a pity (遗憾)! ( ?) 1. Today is Thursday. F ( ?) 2. Lily wants to play basketball. T ( ?) 3. Helen has Music and Art this morning. F ( ?) 4. Liu Tao can’t play basketball this afternoon. T ( ?) 5. Liu Tao has a basketball match. F

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