
广东版(开心英语)六年级下册英语课件 Review 2 第二课时课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:3729920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Story of Mulan jump jumped run ran climb climbed end ended say said ride away rode away cry cried came said rode went saw cut Hua Mulan was not like other girls. She liked to run, jump, and climb trees. One day, some soldiers came to Mulan’s village. “One man in every family has to be a soldier, ” they said. “We need a lot of soldiers for the war.” Mulan was worried. Her father was old. That night, Mulan cut her hair. Then she looked like a boy. She jumped onto her horse and rode away. Mulan worked hard, and she was a good soldier. After 12 years, the war ended. Mulan was a hero. She went home. She came back to her village and saw an old woman. “Mulan? Is that you?” the old woman asked. Mulan cried. “Yes, Mother! I’m home!” F girl T T F soldier F 12 F went 1.What did Mulan like? She liked to run,jump and climbed trees. 2.Who came to Mulan’s village? Some soldiers. Huang Jiguang a great hero in Chinese history anti-Japanese hero 抗日英雄 赵一曼 Qiu Jin Xinhai Revolution hero 秋瑾 (辛亥女杰) a female general in China 穆桂英挂帅破天门 Lu Xun Yang Liwei Learn more heroes! Share with your friends. Love their family! Work hard. Do great things for the country. We should… Tell the story with the key words to your friend. Remember all the new words. Homework

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