
Unit 1 A Parade Day 第1课时课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:16914432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit One 1 What did they do in the parade? They played the trumpet. He sang in the parade. What did he do in the parade? They danced in the parade. They played the violin. They played the trumpet and drum. They walked and danced. A parade in Gogo’s city Parade 2 Parade 1 A parade in Changlong Ocean Kingdom ↘↙ P8 Watch and Answer 1.What did people do in the parade? 2.What did Gogo do in the parade? Some people played the trumpet and played the drum. Some people sang and danced. Gogo ran after the parade. And he watched parade. 变一变! (对话变短文) On a Sunday, we ____ to the park. On the way to the park, we _____ a parade. There ____ many people in the park. Some people____ the trumpet. And some people _____ and ____. Gogo ____after the parade. We ___ very happy. went watched played sang danced ran were were A parade in Gogo’s city Parade 2 Parade 1 A parade in Changlong Ocean Kingdom ↘↙ Let’s make our parade! 1.食物类巡游队 2.体育类巡游队 3.音乐类巡游队 4.卡通人物类巡游队 5.交通工具类巡游队 6.陆空动物类巡游队 7.海洋动物类巡游队 Homework 将改编的语段贴在作业本,在背面抄一次。 有错的把该单词抄一行。 I’m Amy. I’m from America. I’m Mike. I’m from Canada. I’m Bai Ling I’m from China. 表 演 对 话 Listen and match New word 新的 从;从 ……起 美国 欢迎 热身/复习 呈现新知 趣味操练 巩固与扩展 唱一唱 学新词 介绍自己 传球游戏 小 结 听力练习 了解美国 说一说 学对话 对话表演

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