
2021年最新中考英语自招语法 总复习代词语法专项练习集 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:32次 大小:18902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新初三自招语法分专题训练题集 代词语法专项练习题 1. I haven’t brought the dictionary with _____. Will you please lend me _____? A. my/your B. me/your C. mine/yours D. me/yours 2. My parents don’t let me use _____ car. A. their B. him C. his D. you 3. The book is _____. A. me B. my C. mine D. of me 4. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _____. A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers 5. His camera is more expensive than _____. A. hers B. her C. it D. its 6. The boy can dress _____ when he gets up. A. him B. he C. himself D. herself 7. He is not quite _____ today. A. him B. his C. he D. himself 8. The door can open _____. A. by itself B. with itself C. of itself D. in itself 9. You’d better ask John _____. A. himself B. herself C. him D. itself 10. Did you see _____ beautiful houses over there? A. this B. that C. those D. these 11. He always helps others. _____ is why we trust him. A. It B. That C. This D. These 12. What I want to tell you is _____. A. this B. that C. those D. it 13. Take it easy. Don’t be in _____ hurry. A. such B. such a C. so D. such an 14. You and I are talking about _____ thing. A. same B. such C. the same D. a 15. —_____ is that man? —He is a worker. A. Who B. What C. Whom D. Whose 16. _____ book do you want? This one or that one? A. What B. Who C. Which D. Whose 17. —_____ pen is it? —It is mine. A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Which 18. _____ one do you want? A. What B. Whom C. Whose D. Which 19. Is _____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? A. now B. man C. that D. it 20. Is _____ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. he 21. I don’t think _____ possible to master a foreign language. A. this B. that C. its D. it 22. Was it during the Second World War _____ he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then 23. It is impossible for so _____ workers to do so _____ work in a single day. A. few/much B. few/many C. little/much D. little/many 24. I asked him for some oil, but he hadn’t _____. A. any B. some C. no D. anything 25. —Are the two answers correct? —No, _____ correct. A. no one is B. both are not C. neither is D. either is not 26. They asked _____ to do the work. A. you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him 27. Only _____ know it. A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you 28. The sentence “He knows both John and me well” means he knows John as well as _____. A. I B. mine C. me too D. me 29. —Have you heard the news? —Yes, I’ve got _____ from your brother. A. it B. them C. they D. their 30. —Do you like the pen I bought for you? —Yes, very much. It’s just _____ I wanted. A. one B. that C. this one D. the one 31. It’s _____ thing to enjoy watching someone playing football, but it’s quite _____ to play football yourself. A. a/another B. one/other C. one/another D. a/other 32. He is a friend of _____. A. ours B. our C. us D. ours’ 33. I borrowed two books. _____ is in English, and _____ is in Chinese. A. It/another B. O ... ...

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