
北师大版六下英语 Unit10 Review 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:41次 大小:758272Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Review I have a family. A very happy family. I love mother. Mother loves me. I love father. Father loves me. We’re happy family. a vet a farmer What does he / she do ? He / She is a farmer / vet . What does he / she do ? He / She is a doctor / nurse . Jobs a teacher一名教师 a student一名学生 a dancer一名舞蹈演员 a worker一名工人 a vet 一名兽医 an astronaut一名宇航员 an actor一名演员 a juggler一名杂技演员 a farmer一名农民 a pilot 一名飞行员 a doctor一名医生 a nurse一名护士 a policeman一名男警察 Questions What does your father/mother do? He /she is ……… What do you do? I’m a teacher. What does he do? He’s a doctor. What does she do? She’s a nurse. What does your father do? He’s a driver. What does your mother do? She’s a farmer. 填空题 1.Tom works on a farm . He is a _____ . 2.My leg hurts , a _____ can help me . 3. John is a _____ . He drives a police car . 4. Mike studies at school . He is a _____ . 5.My sister works in a hospital . But she isn't a doctor . She is a _____ . farmer doctor policeman student nurse 连词成句 your do what brother does(?) _____ 2. juggler your is a uncle(?) _____ 3. does aunt where your work(?) _____ What does your brother do? Is your uncle a juggler? Where does your aunt work? What does she do? Name: Liu yang Age: 41 Birthday: 10.6 She is an astronaut. Name: zhao Liying Age: 32 Birthday: 8.6 Job: an actor January February March April May June 月份前面用in July August September October November December Relay race in group. Questions When is your mother’s/father’s birthday? When is your birthday? : Name: Wang Junkai Age: 20 Birthday: 9.21 Job: singer How many questions can you ask? How many months are there in a year? There are twelve months in a year. How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. March April May June July August September October November December January February 1.There are four _____ and twelve_____ in a year. 2. Liu yang is the first Chinese woman_____ in space. 3. My birthday is in May. It’s the _____month in a year. 4.I like _____ because I can play in the snow. 5._____is between July and September. 填空题 seasons months astronaut fifth winter August Peter: Hi, Tom. Look at this picture, this is my family photo. Tom: How cool!_____? Peter: He’s my father. Tom:_____? Peter: He’s an astronaut. Tom: He’s great._____? Peter: He’s 32 years old. Tom:_____? Peter: His birthday is December 17th. Tom:_____? Peter: He likes spring best, because we can fly a kite together. Tom:_____? Peter: I will be an astronaut like my father. Who’s he What does he do How old is he When is your father’s birthday What’s his favorite season What will you be in the future 补全对话

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