
2021届高三下学期5月普通高等学校招生统一考试(湖南省)模拟试题英语(一) 扫描版含答案(无听力音频有文字材料)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:51次 大小:7777142Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    英语 参考答案及解析 W:: Quite right: And. we usually meet on. Fridays after sometimeS:,: I also: play. the piano and the violin school: Why: don t you. come along? M: OK, Lily, the last question>. which. music: do youlike M: Good idea Hey, when does the next lesson start? the most? W: In two: minutes. Come on. Mr. Baker: is: always cross W: Well, in my childhood: rock: was. my favorite, and in when students come late. You know; hie is a. man of the junior school, I liked classical. music. And now, of few words course I like country music ext 9 i Text :10 M: Hello, everyone. Lily is a country music" singer from There re rules for: round-the-world biking:: trip Pennsylvania, USA: She:: the -state: of records: The riders must travel: in:one: direction statt and Tennessee, the heart of the country music. Today,; end. in the same place They: must travel 40 072 kilometers let'sask. her: some questions: OK, Lily,'are you They are allowed to fly and take boats, but: at: least 28, 96 8 ready kilometers of the trip must be 'completed on a bike: Jenny W: Yeah. Hi, you guys. Graham left: from Berlin, Germany,on June 16, heading M: Well, first of all, where do you go on holidays? east.She: biked through 15 different countries:"on four nt spend too much continents. East Thursday,'October: 18, after: biking a time on one island, I like to go sightseeing and then total of 29; 633: kilometers, ' she finished the entire trid in move on to another place. 1 24 days,10 hours, 'and 50 minutes. That's about 20'da'ys M: What do you do on holidays? faster than the last wiomien's' world record : Ms: Graham W: I visit places of interest. I walk a lot and don t stay in worked very hard, sometimes biking at night when there the sun much were fewer cars and trucks. She was pulled"over by the M: OK, now. next, do you live with your parents? Russian police " and was: offered a cup. of hot tea. I W: Yes, I love them so much. They support. me too much. Australia; she had to: avoid kangaroos. In Canada,. it was M: Do you mind talking about your boyfriend with us the bears that had her worried. But she kept going. Along W: Of course not. His name is Joe. He's a model the way she had flat tires, broken bike parts, and crashes o you play any instruments? but she kept: going. And finally, she broke the: world W: Yes, I do. I often play the guitar in my free time, and; record

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