
Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. Section B 2a-Slef Check 课件共59张PPT+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:19次 大小:45557974Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. Period 5 B 2a-Slef Check 人教版 七年级下 Read the article about birthday food to learn the food traditions in the UK and China To learn to write an ad for your restaurant answer n. 回答 v. 回答 world n. 世界 different adj. 不同的 the UK n. 英国 idea n. 想法;主意 cake n. 蛋糕 blow v. 吹 candle n. 蜡烛 make a wish 许愿 cut up 切碎 lucky adj. 幸运的 bring good luck to ... 给......带来好运 What would people like to eat or do on their birthday in different countries? Korean seaweed soup 海带汤 (韩国) longevity?noodles 长寿面(中国) What do you do or eat on your birthday? 2a I usually have a birthday party. My friends come to my party. We have a great time. I usually make a wish and blow out the candles. I usually eat noodles and eggs. My mum usually makes a big dinner for me. I can have a big birthday cake and a lot of gifts. I can … on my birthday. My father usually …. Listen and answer the questions. 2b 1. What would people like to eat on their birthday in many countries? 2. What would most people like to eat in China on birthday? People have birthday cakes with candles on their birthday in many countries. Many people eat very long noodles for their birthday. Different people in different countries like to eat different food on their birthday. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Birthday traditions in many countries. It talks about what people often eat on their birthday in China. The ideas of the birthday food are to bring good luck to the birthday person. Skim the text and find out the main idea. Scan the text and judge Yes (Y) or No (N) of the sentences. ____ The number of candles on the birthday cake is the person’s age. ____ In the UK, when the child has the birthday cake with the candy, he/she is lucky. Y Y 3. ____ In China, people eat noodles on their birthday, we never have cake. 4. ____ People in different countries have different birthday foods. N Y birthday cakes ? Blow out?? candy? cut them up Read the article and complete the chart. Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart. Country Food Special meaning UK China 1. 根据题目要求及所给的表格可知,本题要求我们读短文找出在英国及在中国人们在生日时所吃的有特殊意义的食物。 2. 在读短文时, 同学们应紧扣这两个要求(一是在中国与英国的人们;二是有特殊意义的食物), 略读无关的信息, 对相关的信息进行认真阅读。 3. 从相关信息中找到我们所需的句子, 并填写在空格处。 阅读指导 Country Food Special meaning UK China Check the answers birthday cake with a candy The child with the candy is luck. long noodles a symbol of long life eggs a symbol of life and good luck How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true? 2. What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake? 3. Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China? 4. Why do people eat special foods on their birthday? 2c Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. 先认真阅读每个题目的意思,弄清要求我们寻找 ... ...

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