
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Revision.复习课公开课课件(共20张)+音频+同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:76次 大小:8273193Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标八年级下册 复习课公开课 Revision Contents of Unit6 Section A Chinese traditional stories/legends (传说 ) Yu Gong Moves a Mountain Journey to the West Monkey King Section B western fairy tales(童话故事) The Emperor s New Clothes Hansel and Gretel Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Topic: Language goals: Legends and stories Tell a story 第一部分:基础知识复习 1. 默写下列单词: 动词: 1.射击;发射 _____2.提醒:使想起_____3.隐藏:隐蔽_____ 4.使激动;使兴奋_____5.适合;合身_____6.结婚_____ 7.发光;照耀雑_____8.带领:领路_____ 形容词: 1.虚弱的_____2.愚蠢的_____3.有魔力的_____ 4.西方国家的_____5.全部的;整体的_____ 6.勇敢无畏的_____ shoot shot remind remind sb to do remind sb to do sth. hide hid excite exciting exciting fit sth fit sb marry marry sb get married shine shone led weak stupid silly magic western whole brave 第一部分:基础知识复习 1. 默写下列单词: 动词: 1.射击;发射 _____2.提醒:使想起_____3.隐藏:隐蔽_____ 4.使激动;使兴奋_____5.适合;合身_____6.结婚_____ 7.发光;照耀雑_____8.带领:领路_____ shoot remind hide excite fit marry shine led 一词多词性 smile (n.) _____(n.)_____ 2.gold(n )_____ (adj) )_____ nobody(pron.)_____(n.) _____cheat(v)_____(n,)_____ bright(adv.)_____ (ad j)._____ 微笑 微笑 金子 金色的 没有人 欺骗 小人物 骗子 明亮地 明亮的 2.默写下列短语: 1.从事_____ 6.第一次_____11.爱上;喜欢上_____ 2.继续做_____ 7.变成_____12.停不下来做某事_____ 3.有点儿;稍微_____8.在其他时候_____13.结婚 _____ 4.代替;反而_____ 9.出版:上映_____14.计划做某事_____ 5.两者都不_____ 10.从前_____15.带领某人去某地_____ 16.听到某人在做_____ work on keep doing a little bit instead of neither of for the first time turn into at other times come out once upon a time fall in love with can’t stop doing get married make a plan to do lead sb to sp hearing sb doing 3. 语法要点回顾: 状语从向( unless, as soon as, so., that) (1)引导条件状语从句的是_____意为_____相当于_____ You ‘ll fail in English _____you work hard. You'll fail in English _____ you _____work hard. (2)引导时间状语从句的是_____意为_____ _____I finish my homework, I’ll give you a call. I’ll write to you _____I get to Beijing. (3)引导结果状语从句的是_____意为_____ The boy is _____young _____he can’t go to school. She played the piano_____well _____she got the first prize. unless 除非;如果不 if …not unless if don’t as soon as 一…就… As soon as as soon as so…that 如此…以至于 so that so that 句型巩固口头训练 1.王子一看到她,就爱上了她。 2.除非你尽自己全力,否则你不会成功的。 3.这对夫妇太高兴了以至于给了对方一个拥抱(hug)。 As soon as the prince saw her, he fell in love with her. You won’t succeed unless you try you best. The couple was so happy that they gave a hug to each other. 4. 语法填空。2b Gretel heard that their parents _____(plan)to kill her and her brother. But Hansel had a plan _____(save) himself and his sister. He went to get some white stones before he went to bed that night. The next day, the wife _____(send )the children ... ...

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