

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:73次 大小:10061638Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020-2021学年度第二学期八年级第三次月考 B.The Monkey King 英语试题(人教版 C. The Sleeping Beaut 15. How does irl like Monkey King? 说明:1.本试卷共8页,总分120分 A. He is clever B, He is brave C. He is intel 2.请将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效 “+ 16. what does ann like to do in her free time? B. Collecting stamp C. Collecting hats. 听力部分(30分) I7. what else does Ann like to de I、听句子,选出旬子中所包含的信息。(5分) 1. A, gooo lat programs does the boy like? 2. A. in the face B. in the middle of C. in the front of C. About cartoons 3.A,6.771 B.6.67 C.7.67 Ⅳ、听短文和问题,选择正确的选项。(7分) 4. A. There isn t enough bamboo for the pandas er rc B. Journey to the West C. The bamboo is fresh enough for the pandas C. Hou Yi Shoots the Suns 5.A. The idea is very good B. The idea is very stupid. C. The idea is right. 20. What should we do when we meet difficulties Ⅱ、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(5分 C. Be brave unt eme B. You re welcome C. Ill b The trust between people. B. Magic power. C. Adventurous experiences out to do in the forest? 10. A. In the forest. B. Happy to hear that C. Their stepmother B. To look for his baby Ⅲ、听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(8分) C. To look for something to drink. 11. What was the girl doing at five? 23. Where did the mouse meet the lion 24. When did the lion and the mouse meet again? A. The next day C. The next month what did the lion want to do when he met the mouse for the first time 12. Which story are they talking about? C. To have the mouse as h V、听短文填空。(5分) Information sheet 6. The great Wall is one of the wonders in the world 27. In fact, the great Wal kilometers long. 28. The Wall has two 29,Th tern part was built with about 5.3 meters high p1z24 0. The wall is wide enough norses to go side by side 八年级英语试题第1页(共8页 八年级英语试题第2页(共8页八年级英语答案(人教版) 1-5CABAB 6-10BACCB 11-13ABC 14-15AB 16-18ACB 19-21BCA 22-25ABBC 26.greatest 27.12,700 28.parts 29.earth 30.five/5 31-35DABDC 36-40CBDAC 41-45ACBAD 46-50CBBDA 51-53BAD 54-56 BAD 57-60ACBD 61-65BDADC hungry 67.go out and invite them in 68.Love. This is a story about Wealth, Success and Love. 有爱的地方也有财富和成功。 Once 72.called 73.playing 74.himself 75.that 76.easily 77.water 78. was 79.scared 80.too 81.The children are still awake. 82.No ocean is as big as the Pacific Ocean in the world. 83.Why don’t you agree with me? 84.The government is trying hard to help save the pandas. 85.What stupid things he did! Dear editor, I’ve just read an article in a newspaper about saving tigers. It says that the number of the tigers is becoming smaller and smaller in our country. It’s terrible. I saw a few people sell bones of tigers by the roadside yesterday. I also learned that some people killed tigers in order to make money. And people cut down too many trees. They destroyed tigers’ living environment. Tigers are in danger of dying out. I think our government should punish the hunters. And also we should try our best to make our e ... ...

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