
山东省枣庄市Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 期末考试提高练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:64次 大小:21934Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet?期末考试提高练习 一、单选题(20分) 1.—     yourself to us, please. —OK. I'm Sarah and I'm from Canada. A.Introduce B.Notice C.Record D.Enjoy 2.Every year,      books are donated(捐献) to the children in poor areas. A.million B.millions C.millions of D.million of 3.Boys and girls, this is a new student. Let me      her     you. A.show; to B.show; for C.introduce; to D.introduce; for 4.Lisa is popular now because her performance at the art festival was a great _____. A.dream B.chance C.success D.mark 5.— Look at the blue sky! The rain _____. — Let’s go out for a walk. A.stops B.is stopping C.has stopped D.had stopped 6.—Whose jacket is it? Is it yours? —No, mine is here. Maybe it _____ Jenny. A.belongs B.belongs to C.is belonging D.is belonging to 7.Xuanwu Lake is a      place in Nanjing City and visitors always enjoy the      of it. A.beautiful; beautiful B.beauty; beauty C.beautiful; beauty D.beauty; beautiful 8.    , or you will miss the train. A.Hurry up B.Catch up C.Put up D.Get up 9.Every year _____ people visit the museum. A.millions of B.million of C.million D.millions 10.Let’s try _____ best to make it _____. A.our; a success B.my; a successful C.our; success D.my; success 11.—I believe you’ll try your best and I wish you _____. —Thank you. A.succeed B.success C.successful D.successfully 12.They were very tired, but they didn’t stop _____. A.work B.to work C.worked D.working 13.This kind of mobile phone is my favourite, but I can’t _____ it. A.spend B.cost C.afford D.pay 14.—Bob, shall we go to the cinema together? —I’d love to, but Mike _____ me out for dinner together. A.invites B.will invite C.was inviting D.has invited 15.—Tina, shall we go to the cinema together this weekend? —I’d like to, but I _____ to go shopping with my mum. A.have promised B.am promising C.will promise D.promise 16.—Bob, have you finished your homework yet? —_____. I finished it this morning. A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.Yes, I have D.No, I haven’t 17.I remember putting my umbrella behind the door but I can’t see it. Who _____ it? A.takes B.will take C.is taking D.has taken 18.— _____ the students in Grade Eight _____ the new Minyuan Stadium? —No, they haven’t. A.Do; visit B.Have; visited C.Did; visit D.Are; visiting 19.The new shopping centre in our town _____ for two weeks, but I _____ there yet. A.has opened; haven’t gone B.has been open; haven’t been C.has been open; haven’t gone D.has been opened; haven’t been 20.The twins as well as Tom _____ the film Wolf Warriors twice. A.has seen B.have seen C.saw D.see 二、完型填空(20分) Edward is a 14-year-old boy. He comes from the UK, but he lives in Beijing 21 his parents. Before Edward came to China, he knew 22 about Beijing Opera. Like most teens, Edward liked pop music. When he first listened to Beijing Opera, he didn’t like ... ...

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