

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:37855506Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (续表) The movie's director is Jia Ling, a famous comedy ac- tress. In the story, Li Huanying was seriously injured (2 ViB) in a car accident and her life was in great danger. Jia Xiaoling lay beside her mother, Li huanying in the hospi HI MOM tal, and fell asleep because of her great sadness. All of a Release date sudden, Jia Xiaoling went back to 1981 and met her young Feb12,2021 mother Li huanying. She tried her best to make her mom happy. The movie shows Jia Ling s great love for her dead mother, Li Huanying. Interestingly, the way that Jia shows her love is a bit special as she develops a time-travel story to describe her mothers love story set in 1981 )44. Detective Chinatouem 3 is filmed in A. Bangkok B. New york C. Tokyo )45 shows the love between a mother and a daughter A. Detective Chinatown 3 B. The King's Mo an C.HI, MOM )46. Which of the following is NOt true about The Kings Man? A Kingsman is a fictional spy agency. B. The movie came out in november 2019 C. The movie is made by20 th Century Fox studios(电影公司) a'per mom was seriously injured and her life was in great danger Jia Xiaoling was very sad because B. she fell asleep beside her mother in the hospital C. she went back to 1981 in a sudden )48. The writer writes the passage to A. tell us that HI, MOM is a time-travel story B introduce three wonderful movies C. tell us which movie is the most popular movie (B) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 Jane Austen(1775-1817) has a great influence on English literacy (x.) histo he UK honored her by making her the face of the new e1o note Austen's works are popular all over the world today, although her novels are all about a much older time. Pride and Prejudice w L) is seen as one of her greatest works, which was set in the late 18th century-a time when women depended on their husbands for almost everything The story is about Elizabeth Bennet, one of five daughters in a poor family. The main story is a series of love and hate relationships between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy,a rich noble (Hik). At first, they argue. Elizabeth feels that Mr. Darcy looks down on the poor. Meanwhile, Darcy thinks Elizabeth has judged him improperly just because he is rich. Everyone thinks they hate each other too much. But they get married in the end. What attracts (WKHI) readers most is how they overcome their pride and prejudice to reach the surprising ending they get along and understand each other. After reading the book, it's clear why the novel is one of the most famous ones Misunderstanding among people, especially couples (X), happens easily. While reading the book, everybody today can think of their own difficulties in understanding their partner and then they ll get a better understanding of their partners. any o Austens books bring hope while discussing serious topics for young women. However, she was still able to add comedic(Ees) characters to her novels With this wonderful mix, it's no surprise she was chosen to b ... ...

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