
牛津深圳版八年级下册Module 3 Animals Unit 6 Pets 单元过关测试题(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:46551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年 牛津版八年级下册 Module 3 Unit 6 Pets 单元过关测试题 (本试卷满分100分,答题时间60分钟) 姓名:_____ 班级:_____学号:_____ 一、单选题(共15题;共30分) ( )1.The mistake really causes some problems. I hope I can solve them as soon as possible. ?? A.?accepts?????????????????????????????????????B.?makes?????????????????????????????????????C.?holds ( )2.If you _____ a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths. A.?help?????????????????????????????????????????B.?feed?????????????????????????????????????????C.?face ( )3.I'll clean up the bedroom right away. A.?right now??????????????????????????????B.?at the moment??????????????????????????????C.?at once ( )4.I don't want to go. What's more, I'm tired. A.?Instead????????????????????????????????????B.?Except????????????????????????????????????C.?Besides ( )5.—What will you do this weekend? —We plan to go to the park on Sunday to feed the goldfish there. A.?spend time with????????????????????????B.?raise money for????????????????????????C.?give food to ( )6.It is said that the fire was caused by dry weather. A.?got????????????????????????????????????????B.?given????????????????????????????????????????C.?made ( )7.—Did you feed the goldfish on time when I was on business? —Yes. Look! It is swimming happily in the fishbowl. A.?Pay attention to????????????????????????B.?give food to????????????????????????C.?raise money for ( )8.The trees keep the wind from???? . A.?blow????????????????????????????????????B.?to blow????????????????????????????????????C.?blowing ( )9.When I asked him if he would come to my party, he responded that he would come. A.?talked?????????????????????????????????????B.?added?????????????????????????????????????C.?replied ( )10.— Did John get No.1 in the Maths exam? — Yes, no one did so ?????????as him. A.?good???????????????????????????????????????B.?well???????????????????????????????????????C.?better ( )11.—What did your father send you as a birthday gift last year? —My father bought me a cute little dog. A.?lovely?????????????????????????????????????B.?friendly?????????????????????????????????????C.?funny ( )12.I'm sure Jason will win the game. He is ?????????than others. A.?confident????????????????????????????B.?more confident????????????????????????????C.?confidently ( )13.During the sports meeting, Ted acted badly. But Tyler acted even _____. A.?badly??????????????????????????????B.?more badly??????????????????????????????C.?worse??????????????????????????????D.?worst ( )14.—The fish tasted _____, and we have eaten it up. —It is certain that she cooked it _____. A.?good; well???????????????????????B.?well; good???????????????????????C.?well; well???????????????????????D.?good; good ( )15._____you practise, _____you will be at Maths. A.?The more; the better B.?The more; the best C.?The most; the better D.?The most; the best 二、完形填空(共10分) ?? ?Keeping pets is nothing stra ... ...

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