
2021届湖北省高三下学期普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语模拟卷02 Word版含答案(无听力试题)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:92次 大小:48527Byte 来源:二一课件通
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湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(二) 本试卷共 页46个小题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。本试卷由阅读理解、语言知识运用、书面表达三个部分组成。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A篇 Foods to Eat to Burn More Calories WATERMELON Watermelon is brimming with B vitamins which boost your energy levels and curb your need to munch on an extra snack. A cup of diced watermelon contains 46 calories and virtually no fat. Watermelon is a rich source of potassium, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, magnesium, vitamin C, and iron. Watermelon is one of powerful foods to eat to burn more calories. Watermelon is also high in lycopene, the antioxidant that lower your risk of macular degeneration, heart disease, and cancer. With 90 percent water, watermelon is filling you up but are not filling you out. Enjoy fresh watermelon juice, smoothie, or use it any summer fruit salad you like. GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruits speed up your metabolism and help burn a lot of calories. This fruit will help feel full faster and longer. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database one half of a grapefruit contains around 53 calories. Moreover, grapefruit is rich in fiber that may help stabilize your blood glucose levels. You can add grapefruit to your fruit salad, smoothies or drink a grapefruit juice. CELERY The secret of celery is very simple: it contains less calories and helps burn more than you eat. Celery mostly consists of water and that's why it is good as a part of a balanced diet However, this food is not suitable for celery diet only as your body won't get the necessary minerals and nutrients. So the best decision will be to combine it with some other foods. WHOLE GRAINS Studies show that whole grains are healthier than refined grains and that they lower the risk of getting a chronic disease. This type of grains is also a good part of a diet as it takes more time to digest and you won't get hungry for a longer period of time. Whole grains are rich in various vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates but low in fat. GREEN TEA Rich in antioxidants green tea boosts your metabolism and helps lose weight, which is just fantastic for ladies, isn't it? Simply enjoy a cup of hot fragrant green tea and do a great favor to your body. 1. To balance blood glucose levels, you'd better take in regularly. A. green tea B. whole grains C. watermelon D. grapefruit 2. From the passage we can know that _____. A. grapefruit contains more calories than watermelon. B. whole grains are healthier because they contain more water and various minerals. C. both grapefruit and green tea can help speed up metabolism for those who are eager to lose weight. D. having celery diet before a cup of green tea can help get enough nutrients to lose weight. 3. Which column can we read this passage in the newspaper? A. Book Review B. Health C. Entertainment D. Lea ... ...

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