
Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.单元拔高测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:78336Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit10单元拔高测试卷 一.单项选择 ( )1. —Why don't you buy the purple dress, Mary? —It's too ____. I don't have so much money. A. nice B. expensive C. bad D. cheap ( )2. —What do you think of the movie Forever Young? —It's ____and I love it. A. excellent B. easy C. hard D. boring ( )3. Chinese kung fu is very ____and more and more people are ____in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting ( )4. —How's the weather in Hainan in winter? —It's ____. A. hot B. snowy C. cold D. warm ( )5. Mike does ____exercise and eats ____vegetables. A. much; much B. many; many C. many; much D. much; many ( )6. Kate can't watch TV on school days. She can't play computer games, ____. A. too B. still C. either D. also ( )7. Bob ____goes to the cinema. He just likes watching movies at home. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never ( )8. Last Tuesday morning, I got to the bus stop late, but ____the bus was still there. A. quickly B. differently C. luckily D. easily ( )9. This problem isn't ____but Mike works it out ____. A. easy; easily B. easy; easy C. easily; easy D. easily; easily ( )10. This problem isn't ____but Mike works it out ____. A. easy; easily B. easy; easy C. easily; easy D. easily; easily ( )11. Susan will be ____this Friday. We want to have a big party for her ____birthday. A. thirteen; thirteenth B. thirteen; thirteen C. thirteenth; thirteen D. thirteenth; thirteenth ( )12. In our school, the number of students ____about 1,000, and about four ____of them are boy students. A. is; hundreds B. are; hundred C. is; hundred D. are; hundreds ( )13. Tina took all the things out of her schoolbag. Now, there isn't ____in it. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing ( )14. Peter is Cindy's cousin and Cindy likes playing with ____ very much. A. me B. her C. him D. you ( )15. —Lucy and I want to play ping-pong. Do you want to join ____? —Yeah. Let's go. A. me B. her C. us D. them 二.完形填空 My People, My county is an epic(史诗)seven-part film. The film 1 the 70th anniversary of he funding of the People’s Republic of China. The first part called The Eve is directed by Guan Hu. There is a(n) 2 played by Huang Bo. He races against time to perfect a flag-raising mechanism(机械装置)before the 3 ceremony in 1949 to mark the founding of People’s Republic of China. The second story, directed by Zhang Yibai, is 4 a scientist. He works on China’s first atomic bomb(原子弹)so he had to 5 goodbye forever to his lover in the 1960s. The third story is The Champion by Xu Zheng. In the story, a young boy must 6 a TV aerial(天线)to the roof of his home so his neighbors can watch the Chinese women’s volleyball team 7 in the 1984 Olympic final. Going Home is about Hong Kong’s 8 to China in 1997. It focuses on a Chinese soldier who must 9 the national flag rises on time. Hello, Beijng is about a taxi driver. He gets a 10 of the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympics. He planned to gi ... ...

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