
人教新目标中考英语一轮复习检测卷:九年级全册 Unit 1(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:99次 大小:1358848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 九年级 Unit 1 第一轮复习资料 Name _____ 一:基础语法填空 a.介词或副词填空 1. He oft_en_stu_dies _____ a test _____ speaking with foreigners. 2. You can ask _your_p_arents and teachers _____ help when you are in trouble. 3. One is never _____ old to learn. 4. Working hard is the secret _____ success. 5. Don’t read word _____ word if you want to be a good reader.21世纪教育网版权所有 6. –Is__she_r_eally very ill? --I’m afraid _____. She has been in hospital for two weeks. 7. It's _____ hard work that we can’t finish it today.21教育网 b. 正确的动词形式填空 1. I think i_t???s_im_portant for us students to learn languages by _____ (use) them often. 2. What about _____ (write) down the English mistakes you抳e made? 3. Working with a group can improve our _____ (speak) skills.21穋n穓y穋om 4. My _____ (speak) English is just so so. I抦 supposed to practice _____(speak) it often. 5. Have you ever _____ (study) with an English group?21穋穘穓穣 6. The _____ (active) you are, the better you抣l learn.21·世纪*教育网 7. _____ (memorize) the new words is a great challenge for an English learner. 8. Tom made some _____ (spell) mistakes in his writing. 9. They need to find a topic _____ (talk) about..2-1-c-n-j-y 二:单词拼写 1. You can p_____ the words aloud to practice p_____. 2. I h_ave_le_arned a lot by having c_____ with friends in English. 3. The shop ow_ner_to_ld me the s_____ to making good pastry(面粉糕饼)was to use very cold water.21*cnjy*com 4. She tried t_o_pay__a_____ to what he was saying and kept some notes from time to time. 5. The po_pulati_on in Hangzhou has i_____ from 7.2 million 10 years ago to 8.7 million now.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 6. Be p_____. It takes time to make progress in learning English.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 7. Good le_arners_ often c_____ what they need to learn with something interesting. 8. She _was_a__new driver and drove at a s_____ of fifty kilometers an hour. 9. She had the a_____ to explain things clearly.【出处:21教育名师】 10. Boys and g_irls,__if you have any problems, please discuss them with your p_____. 11.Maybe you _can_st_ay with them for s _____time. Then you抣l know them better. 12.We could meet each other s _____ next week.【版权所有:21教育】 三: 语法填空 A teenager n_amed_S_un Yixiao from Hebei is well known at present. He is in 1_____(three)year of junior high school. He has been praised for keeping his cool after 2_____(catch) in a lift for about five 3_____(hour).21教育名师原创作品 A few years _ago,_h_e took the lift in his apartment building as usual. However, it stopped around the fourth floor 4_____(sudden). He tried all the buttons and called for help, even 5_____(push) a note through a gap in the door. But there was no answer. 揑抎 done all that I could do. All that left for me was waiting. he said. 6_____he started with his math homework and completed his Chinese and physics homework. By the time he was saved,all his homework7_____(finish). His mother was very wo ... ...

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