
Unit 6 I’m watching TV.单元基础知识复习课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:2571017Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 新目标 七年级下 I’m watching TV. 基础知识复习课件 根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词 1.报纸(n.) _____ 2.洗(v.) _____ 3.电影(n.) _____ 4.房子(n.) _____ 5.喝(v.);饮料(n.) _____ 6.茶;茶叶(n.) _____ 7.在明天(adv.);明天;未来(n.) _____ 重点单词 newspaper wash movie house drink tea tomorrow 8.竞赛(n.) _____ 9.学习;研究(v.&n.) _____ 10.龙(n.) _____ 11.幼小的;年轻的(adj.)_____ 12.怀念;思念;错过(v.) _____ 13.希望(v.) _____ 14.可口的;美味的 (adj.) _____ 15.还;仍然 (adv.) _____ race study dragon young miss wish delicious still 16.使用;运用(v.) _____ →(现在分词)_____ 17.美国的;美洲的(adj.);美国人;美洲人(n.) _____ →(复数)_____ 18.购物(v.);商店(n.) _____ →(现在分词)_____ 19.男人;人(n.) _____ →(复数)_____ 20.儿童(n.) _____ →(复数)_____ use using American Americans shop shopping man men child children 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1. 看电视_____ 2. 看报纸 _____ 3. 通过电话交谈 _____ 4. 听CD _____ 5. 做汤 _____ 6. 洗碗 _____ 7. 端午节 _____ 重点短语 watch TV read a newspaper talk on the phone listen to a CD make/cook soup wash the dishes Dragon Boat Festival 8. 出去吃饭 _____ 9. 喝茶 _____ 10. 明天晚上 _____ 11. 在家 _____ 12. 通过电视 _____ 13. 观看足球赛 _____ 14. 在客厅 _____ 15. 希望做某事 _____ eat out drink tea tomorrow evening at home on TV watch a soccer game in the living room wish to do sth. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.“你父亲在做什么?” “他在那里和我爷爷交谈。” —_____ your father doing? —_____ _____ with my grandpa there. 2.“你母亲在商店购物吗?” “不,她在图书馆看书。” —Is your mother _____ in the shop? —No, _____ _____ a book in the library. 重点句型 What's He's talking shopping she's reading 3.“你在做什么?” “我在听收音机。” —_____ are you doing? —I'm _____ to the radio. 4.“他们在做什么?” “他们在玩电脑游戏。” —What _____ _____ doing? —They are _____ computer games. 5.看,海伦正在音乐教室弹钢琴。 Look! Helen _____ _____ the piano in the music room. What listening are they playing is playing 6.那位老人在读故事给孩子们听。 The old man _____ _____ a story to the children. 7.在纽约,简与她的叔叔住在一起。 In New York, Jane's _____ _____ her uncle. 8.艾丽斯,你想和我们一起喝杯茶吗? Alice, do you want _____ _____ _____for a cup of tea? is reading living with to join us 9.彼得和他的朋友正在看电视上的龙舟比赛。 Peter and his friends _____ _____ the boat races on TV. 10.珍妮不是在做晚餐,她在洗衣服。 Jenny _____ _____ dinner now. She's _____ clothes. are watching isn't making washing What are you doing? I’m watching TV What’s she doing? She’s washing her clothes. What are they doing? They’re listening to a CD. Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. I’m cleaning my room. Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Are they using the computer? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re exercising. Grammar Focus 单元语法 现在进行时态 1.定义: 现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的  _____或存在的_____ 。 ... ...

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