
2022届高三英语暑假计划之词汇阅读打卡Day 3(高阶版)含答案解析

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:10次 大小:1455602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022届高三英语暑假计划之词汇阅读打卡(高阶版) 目录 内容 难度 模块一 词汇英译中 模块二 阅读理解+七选五 模块三 完型填空训练 Day 3 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 restriction examination add accent friendship diet dream relationship height payment schedule temporarily check bargain ideal choose offer attended experience provide folk offer comment surprised new reality project satisfying convince failure lending change success date control excitement share doubt row regular extra break reserve hide heavy trip meeting regularly repeat fully set intelligent lucky stressful battery connect travel option outlet charge (A) While the arts can' t stop the COVID-19 virus or the social unrest we see in the world today, they can give us insight into the choices we make when moving through crises and chaos. The arts invite everyone to think in new ways. We often experience works of art as something that's pleasing to our senses without a full understanding of the creative effort. Great art often shows us contradictions and crises, and we can learn a great deal from their resolutions(解决)). Through our understanding of art, we can gain a deeper understanding of how we might overcome our own challenges. In understanding extremes of contrast, we can see the beauty in art with themes that are not simply pleasing for their magnificent features or qualities. Beethoven offers a wonderful example of moving artfully through crises and chaos. He composed his Symphony No. 9 as his hearing loss became more and more pronounced. The opening of the symphony seems to come out of nowhere, from near silence in the opening to a full expression of what many consider to be the joy of freedom and universal brotherhood with Schiller’s Ode to joy(欢乐颂). Beethoven appears to have created a work of art that not only freed him from his personal struggles, but one that also speaks to the joy of living together in peace and harmony. Have a dialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they always start out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference—a oneness of the two opposing forces. The arts offer many lessons that can help us gain the knowledge we need to move more confidently in today’ s competitive and uncertain environment. An openness to arts-based solutions will give you more control over your future. 1.What value does art have beyond pleasing people's senses? A.It brings people inner peace. B.It contributes to problem-solving. C.It reduces the possibility of crises. D.It deepens understanding of music. 2.What can we learn about Beethoven's Symphony No. 9? A.It celebrates freedom and unity. B.It aims to show crises and chaos. C.It opens with Schiller's Ode to Joy. D.It is unfinished due to his hearing loss. 3.What is the author's suggestion on dealing with conflicting forces? A.Leaving things as they are. B.Making a choice between them. C.Separating them from each other. D.Engaging them i ... ...

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