
Unit 8 They are sweet potatoes 教案

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:47次 大小:2171120Byte 来源:二一课件通
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辽师大版(三起)四年级下册英语 Unit 8 They are sweet potatoes教学设计 学情分析:第一课时的学习中,学生已经掌握句型 What are they?They are...,Are they…?yes, they are.No,they aren’t.蔬菜词汇potatoes,sweet potatoes, pumpkins,eggplants,beans,corns等7个,理解了名词变复数的基本规则。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. By using courseware teaching tools, students can listen,read, say and write the words: tomatoes ,potatoes corns,beans, cabbages 2. students can make sentences, ask and answer, practice "Are they…“yes, they are”“No,they aren’t. 能力目标: Through listening, reading, role play, making dialogues,students can listen, read and act out the dialogue even to recite the context. 2. Through learning the whole text, we can let the students write a little composition about themselves according to their learning In the class 情感目标: 1 Learn how to treat the natures and enhance interests in learning English and enthusiasm the students love labour- working .Let' s the students love lives 教学重点: Try to use"Are they potatoes?"," Yes, they are./No, they aren't.” What are they?They are... 教学难点: The pronunciation of the word" cabbages,tomatoes 2. To read the context loudly and use the pattern"Are they…?”, What are they? They are... in reality. 教具准备: word cards, courseware, books, teaching tools 教学流程: 一.热身导入 Say greetings and sing a song --one potato,two potatoes. Review the words. 1). Read the words row by row. 2).Vegetables or fruit? 二、新授 1.leading in--What are these? The students make a dialogue talking about the picture potatoes,tomatoes,sweet potatoes, pumpkins,eggplants,beans,corns 2.phonics Chant together 4. Guessing game 引出主题:“ Are they...?”“Yes, they are”"“No, they aren't” 5.group work Let's play a game. (Show the picture on the blackboard, let the students choice one, write it on the exercise book. ask and answer in pairs.Make a dialogue with your partner. 3 6.Teacher prepares four pictures students choose anyone, answering the question Grammar Do more exercises Fun story Read by yourself and answer the questions. There are 3 animals in this story. The pig is playing a guessing game. It's a picture of the tomatoes. D. It's a picture of the hamburgers. It's a picture of the apples. 2) Listen and try to read after the tape 3) Read and fill in the blanks 复习 情景设置--食物商店 作文指导 --健康生活 3. 作业: 1). Act the story of part 6 ,Unit 8. 2). Make a vegetable word bank or write a composition about a healthy food. 板书设计 Unit 8 Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they aren't

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