

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:28764Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021年河南中考英语考前冲刺:阅读理解题组训练 ? 1. Ben and his family were on their first trip to the zoo. The main thing Ben wanted to do was feeding the parrots. His family hurried to the large birdcage(鸟笼)quickly. Most of the people were already inside. Ben was upset if the birds weren't friendly.?When he got inside the cage, the zoo guide was telling everyone the rules about how?to feed the birds. "First, you get some apple pieces. Then you stand and wait for the birds to fly to you." The most important rule was to keep the apple pieces clean. If any of the pieces fell to the ground, you needed to throw it in one of the black bags. Everyone got apple pieces, and then the door was opened. Many red and blue?colored birds flew out to eat apples. Ben saw some bright green birds at the far end of the cage. The zoo guide said the green birds were new to the zoo. They hadn't learned how to eat from people's hands yet, but if people wanted to try to feed them, they?could. Ben wanted to feed the new birds. He walked over to the birds and held out his hand. A bird climbed onto his finger and ate. The other green birds watched it eating. Then one of them flew to Ben's arm to eat, too. Soon, Ben had five green birds eating out of his hand. He would always remember this trip to the zoo. (1)What did Ben want to do most at the zoo? A.To touch the parrots. B.To watch the parrots fly. C.To buy a parrot. D.To feed the parrots. (2)What made Ben upset when he got to the birdcage? A.That he couldn't hear what the zoo guide said. B.That there were too many people in the birdcage. C.That the birds would hurt him when they were eating. D.That he had to wait for a long time to get into the cage. (3)The most important rule for feeding the parrots was _____. A.to throw apple pieces in the black bags B.to keep the apple pieces clean C.not to touch or chase the birds D.to stand and wait for the birds to fly to you (4)The green birds stayed far away because they _____. A.didn't like to stay with the other birds B.didn't know if people would hurt them C.weren't feeling like eating apple pieces D.weren't getting food like that way before (5)What's the main idea of this passage? A.Parrots like eating apple pieces. B.An unusual experience to the zoo. C.How to feed the parrots food. D.In fact, the parrots are friendly. 2. I believe all good things come from love. And recently that love was returned to me in a simple but great way. I had an experience with a stranger that really touched me. I lost my mom last month, and it made me really sad. I flew to my hometown to say my goodbyes. After spending a few days with my family, it was time to head back. After I boarded the plane, and the plane was running before taking off when suddenly the sad feeling hit me again. Something about leaving the place I grew up and knowing that my mom was no longer there just crushed me. As I watched the ground grow more distant outside the window, my eyes were filled with tears. As I w ... ...

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