
Unit 1 What's the matter? 单元教案(5课时)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:33次 大小:73098Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section A (1a~2d) 教学目标 【知识与技能】 1. 掌握句型:—What’s the matter? —I have a cold. /I have a stomachache. 2. 掌握本课短语:matter, have, cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth… 【过程与方法】 通过例子“What’s the matter with you?”询问他人怎么了的句型,从而引出描述身体各个部位不舒服的表达方法。大面积操练,采用学生之间相互提出问题、解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。 【情感、态度与价值观】 学会关心别人 教学重难点 【教学重点】 掌握句型:识记身体部位的多个词;掌握多个询问他人身体健康状况的问法。 【教学难点】 不同身体部位不舒服的表达方法。 教学准备 图片、多媒体等 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting Great the class. Step 2 Lead in 1. Look at the picture and learn the parts of the body. Then learn the new words and phrases. Open the book to see part 1a. Write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body and then check the answers. 2. After checking the answers, let’s play a game. Touch your nose/head/eyes/right ear… First, all the students do it together. Then boys and girls do it separately and have competitions between boys and girls. Thirdly, If you are wrong, please sit down. The last one who stands will be the winner. Step 3 Listening 1. Look at the picture and fist guess what’s the matter with these people. Guess the answers first before listening to the recording. 2. Listen carefully, and find out the answers. If they are correct with what you are thinking about. Check the answers together. 3. Listen again, and learn the sentences. A: What’s the matter with you? B: I have a headache/cold. Use the new phrases to practice this conversation. Repeat and practice. Step 4 Practice and Pair work 1. Work in pairs of two to practice the simple dialogue “What’s the matter with…?” “…has a…” 2. Ask three or four pairs to practice in front of other students. 3. Work in pairs of three. Students take turns to practice the sentences: A: What’s the matter with you? B: I… A: What’s the matter with B? C: She/He… 4. Choose three or four groups to show in front of the class. Give help if needed. Step 5 Listening 1. Part 2a. Point out the eight items in this activity. Read the item to the class. Students repeat. 2. There are different conversations. Listen carefully and find out what are people talking about. Find out the health problems and right the numbers in the blanks. Then check the answers together. 3. 2b Watch the five pictures carefully and think that what you should do if you have a fever/stomachache/toothache… Try to match the problems with the advice first, then play the record and check if they are choosing the right advice. Check the answers. 4. Read the advice, and ask the students to repeat. Step 7 Role play the conversation 1. Let students read the conversations in 2c first. Teach some language points. e.g. What’s the matter (with sb.)?=What’s wrong (with sb.)? 2. Ask students to read it in pairs of two. Role play the conversatio ... ...

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