
2020-2021学年上海市浦东外语学校高一下学期5月月考考试英语试题 扫描版含答案(无听力试题 答案不全)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:60次 大小:640103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高一英语月考 Grammar and vocabulary Section a the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. If a word given, pleas As a young child. Ann Makosinski would spend hours experimenting with her toys and other everyday objects around her to create her own inventions Now a first-year Arts student. Makosinski is a well-known inventor and entrepreneur. She won the 2015 Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award of E innovative business solutions to social problems--the ion given to Barack Obama in 2014. Her own inventions. the hollow flashlight and the e-Drink. have been causing excitement intematIo At the age of 15. Makosinski created a prototype for a flashlight 3 by the heat of one's hand. This invention was the result of a ninth grade science project, but Makosinski's goal was 4 (offer) a practical solution to people with unlimited access to power and electricity I'n half-Filipino and half-Polish, and one of my friends from the Philippines told me that she failed school 5 she couldn 't afford electricity. She had no light to study with at night. so that was kind of the inspiration, Makosinski explained. " I've always been interested in doing science projects, so I thought, why don't I find a way to provide her and a lot of other people with The hollow flashlight is made from peltier tiles(珀耳贴片 that produce energy when one (heat) and the other side remains cool. The flashlight can produce a steady beam of led light for 20 minutes. 7 (use)only the warmth of the human hand Her advice to other student innovators )Start now There 8 be nothing holding you ack. Some students at colleges or even in high school think Oh. I'm a student. I just need may think it important to make friends and be social The truth is, you can do a You can do 10 ou wan Section B: Choose the best answer from the box A. reassured B C. dwindle D immortality AB assured AC

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