
专题09 高考英语应用文(书面表达)快速突破: 道歉信(思维导图速记版)课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:518259Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 道歉信 高考英语应用文 ①活动没有去参加(道歉时,活动已经结束); ②活动不能去参加(道歉时,活动还没有开始); ③给别人造成了损失:如把对方东西弄丢;把车给损坏了; ④答应的事情(或任务)没有按时完成等。 如何出题 思维导图体系 常用语块 1.make an apology to sb. 2.apologize to sb.for sth. 3.expressone's heartfelt apology 4.feeIindeed sorry for 5.be awfully sorry todos th. 6.keep one's promise/words 7.have no choice 8. cause sb. to much inconvenience: 向某人道歉 因某事某人道歉 表达真诚的道歉 别无选择 因某事感到十分歉意 感到十分抱歉 遵守诺言 给某人带来很大不便 常用语块 9.put you in avery bad mood 10.understand my situation 11.forgive my carelessness 12.make up for your loss 13.cover alIthe relevant costs 14. is it possible for 15. fix another time: 让你心因某事向情不好 理解我的立场 原谅我的粗心 赔偿你的损分失 赔偿你有相关花费 可不可以..... 另约时间 常用语块 We have planned todos th, but unfortunately, Ican't keep my words. 开头句 背景 So l am writing to express my heartfelt apologyto you. l am awfully sorry to tell you that I havedamaged/lost your... 目的 As a result, I am writing to apologize to you formy carelessness. It is mainly because...Therefore, I have no choicebut to say sorry to you. I am indeed sorry for what I did. 篇中句 主题句 The reason why...is because...l understand itwill certainly put you in avery bad mood. 讲述原因 By the way, is it possible for you and me to fixanother time todos th.?How about...?. Anyway, I promise l will makeup for your loss./I will cover all the relevant costs. 补救措施 Once again, lam sorry for any inconveniencecaused I sincerely hope that you can accept my apology again. 结尾句 再次道歉 请求原谅 盼望回复 I would appreciate it if you can understand mysituation and forgive me. l am looking forward to your reply. 第一段内容 第1段:写信意图:表示道歉 I am writing this letter to apologize+没有做成某事/(将来)不能做某事 → (to you) for my failing to +do sth → that I can’t do sth. → 其它(靠翻译) 【举例】 ...for my failing to make my presence on your party. ...that I can not make my presence on your party. 第二段内容 第2段:说明原因+提出补救措施 说明原因:The reason is that + (did/will do).Therefore I was/ am forced to adjust my schedule. 选择1:生病 my younger sister had a bad fever, and I had to stay at home to take care of her. 选择2:接人 I had/will have to pick up my brother at the airport. 选择3:考试 the end-of-term exam is around the corner. 选择4:根据题目信息翻译 第二段内容 补救措施1:Is it possible that I make up the loss by (+doing) ? / I will put everything else aside to . ※※说明:适用于东西弄丢了。(buy a new one);也适用于答应的某些事没有做到,如(write a new article) 第二段内容 补救措施2:I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we have dinner together some time next week? I hope to see you soon. ※※说明:全句适用于未来不能赴约。后半句也适用于之前的活动未能参加。 第二段内容 补救措施3:I assure you tha ... ...

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