

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:79次 大小:1367206Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022高考英语语法及写作基础专题五(感受与心情情境) 【情境1】 听到他竞赛获得一等奖的消息,我们又高兴又激动。 The news that he won first prize in the competition makes us delighted and excited. On hearing the news that he finished in first place in the competition,we all feel delighted and excited. [语境]听说你要来参加我们为期一周的交流项目,并要发表关于西方艺术的演讲,我很高兴和你分享我的观点。 【情境2】 能代表我校学生在这里发言,我感到非常荣幸。 It is a great honour to give a speech here,as a representative of all the students of our school. I feel honoured to deliver a speech here on behalf of all the students of our school. As a representative of all the students of our school,it is my honour to give a speech here. [语境]与你一起在那儿,享受着多彩的日子,我们将十分荣幸。 【情境3】 不知道该如何跟同学们相处,她感到有些困惑。 She felt somehow at a loss,wondering how to get on with her classmates. Because she didn’t know how to get along with her classmates,she felt sort of at a loss. She didn’t know how to get on with her classmates,feeling kind of confused. [语境]对于如何能讲一口流利的普通话,你感到困惑。 【情境4】 这个小男孩懂得很多,我们对此感到惊讶。 The little boy knows so many things that we feel surprised.(so...that句型) It is that the little boy knows so many things that surprises us.(强调句型) The little boy who knows so many things surprises us.(定语从句) What surprises us is that the little boy knows so many things.(主语从句+表语从句) That the little boy knows so many things surprises us.(主语从句) We are surprised that the little boy knows so many things.(宾语从句) Much to our surprise,the little boy knows so many things.(运用插入语或固定短语) [语境]令我感到非常高兴的是,我们修建了一座著名的新体育场,它已成为我们学校的地标建筑。 【情境5】 老师的一席话深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习英语。 Deeply moved by my teacher’s words,I have made up my mind to study English harder. Deeply touched by what the teacher said,I’m determined to learn English even harder. What the teacher said left me affected,so I was determined to make more efforts to study English. It was the teacher’s moving words that made me determined to concentrate more on my English study. [语境]他们娴熟的技艺令我惊讶,我决心像他们一样出色。 课后写作 Where were you when you first heard?My Heart Will Go On? You know that love song that took over the world in the late 1990s, the one that ruled radios and television screens, that thrilled through the air when you rang your neighbor’s doorbell, or rang out of a Valentine’s Day musical card--the song?we love to hate now because it is almost?shameful?to admit how much we listened to it in 1998. I’m no fan of the song, but I’ll tell you one thing--it saved my?life. I remember where I was when I heard the song, 13 years old, only a few weeks away from receiving my?class?eight report card. When my mother and I went to collect it from school, the skies were grey. On the left side of the report card was the fai ... ...

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