
2022高考英语写作基础三十八(主题句在段中及无主题句) 含答案

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:72次 大小:1335974Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022高考英语写作基础三十八(主题句在段中及无主题句) 一:.主题句在段中 案例1 ①Until the 1960s,most Finnish students left school after six years.②In the middle of the 1960s,the Finnish government saw the need to change and modernize their educational system if they wanted to be internationally competitive.③Lawmakers made a simple decision:a basic school for all the 7-to 16-year-olds.④Compulsory (义务的) education begins at 7.⑤The government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool as well. 详细解析:段落第一句话阐述的是一种现象:大多数芬兰学生入学六年后就会辍学。第二句话表明芬兰政府意识到了改变这种现象的重要性及重要措施。第三句话讲述的是芬兰政府的决定:为所有7到16岁的孩子建立一所基础学校。段落中体现重要决策的,往往为主题句。因此,此处为主题句。第四句话表示义务教育开始的年龄。第五句话表示政府尽可能让所有的孩子都能上学前班。都是对第三句进行的补充。 自我概括:? 参考表达:The Finnish government made laws to ensure the compulsory education. 简要解析:用“The Finnish government”替换“Lawmakers”,用“made laws”替换“made a simple decision”,将芬兰政府具体的政策高度概括为“the compulsory education”,简洁明了。 案例2 ①Let us remember getting up early is a good habit.②If you are a late riser,you may find it difficult to form the habit of getting up early.③You will have to make efforts to do so.④If you want to get up early,sleeping earlier the night before is expected to be successful.⑤Besides,you can set your alarm clock or ask someone whom you know will be awake at that time to call you.⑥If you stick to getting up early every day,you will certainly benefit a lot from it. 详细解析:本段讲述的是如何做到早起。第一句话表示早起是一个好习惯。第二、三句话表示如果你是一个晚起的人,可能很难养成早起的习惯。前三句表明:早起的习惯很难养成。从而引出主题句:早起的策略。第四、五句话表示如果你想早起,你可以前一天晚上早睡。此外,还可以设置闹钟,或让别人打电话叫醒你。第六句话表示如果你坚持每天早起,你一定会受益很多,是对主题句的进一步阐释。因此,需要将第四、五句话进行概括。 自我概括:? 参考表达:If you want to get up early,sleeping earlier and setting a clock or turning to others for help are suggested. 简要解析:用“sleeping earlier”“setting a clock”及“turning to others for help”简明地概括了要做到早起的三种策略,使用“are suggested”地道表达,提出建议。 二:提炼主题句 案例1 In recent years,the act of taking a picture of oneself with a mobile phone,placing the subject center-stage,has won great popularity with everyone from Britain’s Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ to U.S.President joining in. 详细解析:整段就是一个长句。近年来,用手机自拍照片,在屏幕中间设置主题相片,这种行为越来越流行,甚至英国女王伊丽莎白二世及美国总统也加入了这一行列。概括时只需要用简洁的语言来表达。 自我概括:? 参考表达:Today,more and more people are crazy about taking selfies,including some famous people. 简要解析:使用“Today”代替短语“In recent years”,用短语“take selfies”概括从句“the act of taking a picture of oneself with a mobile phone,placing the subject center-stage”,将 ... ...

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