
Review of units 5&6 (附课件使用说明)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:24次 大小:5885472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件使用说明 第10张幻灯片超链接到第26张幻灯片,第10张当中出现了Chen Jie John Mike等人物都是小学课本里学过的人物,超链接到第26张,超链接是为了让学生回想起他们,便于他们在第10张幻灯片能准确的说出他们的名字来进行对话,该设计很好的将中小学内容纵向衔接在一起,设计比较新颖。 第24张幻灯片让学生画一幅公园里的场景图,超链接到第27张给学生提示,通过第27张的图片写一篇关于这些幅图画的文章。Review of units 5&6 Girls Boys(课件网) ———金星学校 任治军 How is the weather sunny Explain the meaning of each weather symbol in English. (气象符号) cloudy windy rainy snowy Task 1: 任务一 thunder Task 2: Enjoy a song There is thurder. There is thunder. It is roaring. It is roaring. Pitter, Patter. Rain drops. Pitter, Patter. Rain drops. I’m all wet. I’m all wet. How’s the weather today _____ the weather _____ today It’s cloudy. 同义句转换 What’s like How’s the weather today What’s the weather like today It’s windy. How’s the weather today What’s the weather like today It’s sunny. How’s the weather today What’s the weather like today It’s snowy. What are they doing They are taking pictures Task 3: Let’s chant 2 3 4 1 A:How is the weather B: It’s… A:What’s she doing B: She is… A:What do you usually do when it’s raining B: I… T: What is he doing S1: Is he… S2: Is he… … He is playing the guitar. Task 4:Guessing game T: What is he doing S1: Is he… S2: Is he… … He,s eating dinner. What’s he doing now Is he…? He,s taking a shower. He,s running. What’s he doing now Is he …? What are they doing now They,re dancing. clean sing write be eat read swim open paint watching playing doing haveing talking running beginning listening seeing singing cleaning writeing eating reading swimming opening painting being Task 5:Try your best watch play do have see talk run begin listen lie Add –ing to the following verbs(动词的-ing形式) lying Task 6: 归纳动词-ing形式的构成规律 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 一般加 -ing . 以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加-ing. 元+辅结尾,且是重读闭音节的单词,双写辅音字母+ing. 以ie 结尾,变ie为y后 加-ing. 动词要加ing,四条规则要牢记。 一般情况ing, 哑e去e-ing, 辅元辅,读重闭,双写后辅ing, ie结尾“死躺系”,词头加ying-ie去。 注:Ying要读成汉语拼音“硬” What’s the boy doing He is watching TV. He is mending a bike. She is making a cake. What’s his father doing What’s his mother doing I. 听力 3.What is the boy doing now A. Playing football B. Watching TV C. Reading books 4.What is Tom doing A. Doing his homework B. Watching TV C. Writing a letter 5. Who is Amy waiting for A. Tim B. Jim C. Sam 1.What’s the weather like today 2. How is the weather in Ningbo today II. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩写)。 1. 一个人正在拍熊猫的照片。 A man is _____ _____ of the panda. 2. 北京的天气春天温暖,秋天凉爽。 It’s _____ in spring and _____ in autumn in Beijing. taking photos warm cool III.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩写)。 Does your sister watch TV or do homework in the evening (用no ... ...

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