
Unit 6 Happy birthday! Part A Let's talk(优课)课件+素材(22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:65次 大小:78989708Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2021年秋人教PEP英语优课课件 三年级上册 Unit Six Hɑppy birthdɑy! Part A Let’s talk & Count and say Sing a song. ★ Friends are having a party for the baby. Let’s go and see. Two. Four. How many children? ★ How many animals? ★ This is Sam. He has a birthday party today. Let’s have a look. It’s a cake. It’s a plate. Look and answer. ★ ? What’s this? How many plates? ★ one two three four five Listen and answer. ★ ? How many plates do they want? Five Listen and repeat. ★ This one, please. Sure. How many plates? Five. OK. Here you are. one cake How many How many plates? ? 问:How many + 复数可数名词 ? ? 答:数量 。 (+可数名词) 询问数量 How many pens? Three. Three pens. or These are Sam’s gifts. What does he have? ★ … books pencils crayons ducks monkeys bears Count and talk. ★ How many ? pencils Four cats One ducks Five bears Two monkeys Three crayons Five books Three cakes One . Read and role-play. ★ This one, please. Sure. How many plates? Five. OK. Here you are. Go shopping! ★ Some … , please. Sure. How many? OK. Here you are. … How many … ? Quick response. ★ 提示:看到图片,说出完整的问句并回答。 Point to your fingers and say. ★ One, two, three, four, five. 1 2 3 4 5 词汇: 句型: 询问数量的句型及其答语: — How many + 复数可数名词 ? one — 数量(+可数名词). two three four five 1. 听录音跟读“Let’s talk”部分的对话。 2. 用英语数一数你有几本书、几支笔。 3. 完成本课时的课后练习。 See you next time!

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