
牛津深圳版八下Module 2 Unit4 Cartoons and comic strips Period 5 Speaking,Writing and Project 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:26次 大小:49152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津深圳版英语八年级下册 教学设计 Module2 Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips Period 5 Speaking,Writing and Project 课题 Unit 4 Period 5 单元 Module 2 学科 English 年级 8 学习目标 与 核心素养 1.认读和理解单词mystery, island, storm, jacket, wave 和短语weather forecast, life jacket thank goodness,make it. 2.学习日常的警示语,并在特定情境中运用这些警示语。 3.能根据图片和提示,为漫画设计并编写说明文字和对白。 重点 学习日常的警示语,并在特定情境中运用这些警示语。 难点 能根据图片和提示,为漫画设计并编写说明文字和对白。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1.Review 复习上节课内容 引导学生回顾已学知识 讲授新课 Step 1. New words Step 2. presentation 1.look, listen and read. 2.Work out the rules of giving warnings (1)肯定句:动词原形开头。 (2)否定句:①Don't+动词原形+其它。②NO+动词ing. Step3. Let's do 1.Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs.Then, find four warnings in the conversation. 2. Find four warnings and write them down. 3.Look and say. Step4. Group work In groups of four, decide on the ending of the story about the baby dinosaur on page 54. Use the questions below to help you. What happens to the baby dinosaur in the end? Does the baby dinosaur become a football star? How does the baby dinosaur feel? Step5. Writing 1.The following is the first part of a comic strip called 揗ystery Island. In groups, discuss what happens in each picture. 2.Write the captions and speech bubbles for the comic strip. Use the words for each picture to help you. Step6. Project 1.First,In groups of four, decide on an idea that would make a good story for your comic strip. Use the example below to help you. 2.Second, Plan your comic strip with your group member. Follow the example. 3.Third, Draw your comic strip. 4.Next, add the speech bubbles, thought bubbles, captions and sound words. 5.Finally, Plan your comic strip together to make a comic book. Step7.Summary Step8.Exercise 1.A _____ is used to tell people a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant things that might happen. A. program B. warning C. trouble 2. There was a terrible accident on the nearby square this morning. 梇es. _____. No one got hurt in it. Thank you Thank goodness C. Bad luck 3.桰f you keep working on it, you will make it. 桹K, I will. A. be happy B. be successful C. be surprised 4. 桾he red tie goes with his shirt very well. 梇es. He looks so smart. A. makes B. takes C. matches 5. 梂hat抯 your thought, Peter? 桰n my opinion, we should clean the classroom together. A. idea B. job C. purpose 6. 桯ow is the cartoon? 桰t is pleasant for both Lucy and me to watch it. A. terrible B. attractive C. friendly Step9.Homework 1. Copy the key expressions. 2. Read the conversation on Page 58 学习新单词 总结、练习描述他人外貌的方式 完成课本及拓展练习 小组操练,根据问题续写故事 为所给漫画编写对白,完成课本上的写作练习 小组分工合作,根据提示和示例讨论并自己创作连环画 回顾本节课重点 完成习题 完成课后作业 为接下来的学习储备词汇量 通过小结和练习巩固语法 再次巩固练习巩固语法,加深 ... ...

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