
Unit8 What's Your Dream? partA 课件(12张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:1294848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 What's Your Dream? 第一课时 新课展示 Part A: Let's learn become a tour guide travel around the world land on the moon go to college study the stars join the National Team (1)课件展示句型 I wanted to ... T: When I was 12. I wanted to be a scientist. I liked little stars very much. I watched the little stars in the sky and wondered what they are. I wanted to study the stars. 1. 教授词组 study the stars, land on the moon, travel around the world, become a tour guide和go to college。 (2)T: I wanted to study the stars. I wanted to fly up to the sky. I wanted to land on the moon. (3) T: When I was sixteen, I hoped to become a tour guide because I hoped to travel around Shaanxi Province, and I hoped to travel around the world. wanted = hoped travel around China / the USA / Australia / the countries in the southeast travel around the world T: When I was 18, I wanted to go to college. I wanted to go to college because I wante to be a teacher. go to college S1: I want to become a police officer. S2: I want to travel around Beijing. S3: I want to go to Tsinghua College (University). S4: I want to study the ... 2. Talk about your dreams S1: I want to join the National Swimming Team. S2: I want to land on Mars. 3. 教授词组 join the National Team He wanted to join the National Team. He wanted to join the Basketball Team of China. 巩固活动 Listen to the tape, look at the pictures and repeat become a tour guide travel around the world land on the moon go to college study the stars join the National Team Thank you!

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