

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:31767Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑期天天练04:阅读理解 2020-2021学年河南省淮滨县八年级英语下册 ????日期: 姓名: 用时: 完成情况: 家长签字: 1. Breakfast is very important to us, so we should have it every day. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Some children tell us about their breakfast. I'm Simon. I come from the USA. I usually eat cakes and drink milk with sugar for breakfast.?I love sugar, but Mom says a lot of sugar is not good for my teeth. I never drink tea or juice?for breakfast. My name is Jack. I'm from the UK. I always have bread and a glass of juice for breakfast. My?favorite is apple juice, but all the others in my family like orange juice. I have eggs and milk?sometimes. I'm a girl from China. I'm Lulu. I always have soup and baozi(包子)for breakfast. Sometimes?my mother makes noodles for me. My favorite is beef noodles. I never have bread or cakes for?breakfast. (1)The underlined(画线的)word "sugar" means "_____" in Chinese. A.盐 B.醋 C.糖 D.油 (2)We know that Lulu _____. A.is an American girl B.eats Chinese food for breakfast C.sometimes has bread for breakfast D.likes tomato noodles (3)Which of the following is TRUE? A.Simon comes from the UK. B.Jack has cakes and juice for breakfast. C.The three children have different breakfasts. D.Lulu's father makes breakfast for Lulu. 2. There is a new robot. It looks like a dog. Many people think it is not cute. But it can do many things and it is very useful in our life. When and where did people make it? In 2019, US company Boston Dynamics made this robot dog and named it Spot Mini. Spot Mini has four legs, but no head. It has a long arm and can walk and go upstairs. According to TechCrunch, it can do housework with its arm. For example, it can carry heavy things or bring you a drink. It can also help the old people do some cleaning at home. The robot can work in many other fields. Now let's see what it can do. It can deliver parcels(递送包裹). It can sing songs to us, dance and talk with people to make us happy. It can work with the police to help them open doors when they are in danger. Now, the robots are coming off the production line(生产线). People can buy their own Spot Mini soon, but nobody knows how much it is. (1)What's the name of the new robot? A.Boston. B.TechCrunch. C.Dynamics D.Spot Mini. (2)According to the passage, what can not the robot do? A.It can deliver parcels. B.It can do some cleaning. C.It can dance and sing songs. D.It can help police find lost kids. (3)What does the passage mainly talk about? A.A useful robot. B.A new robot and the police. C.A newly-born dog. D.A new robot's production line.? 3. It is Sunday today. The Brown family are at home now. Mrs Brown is making some cakes. They always taste good and her family like them very much. Mr. Brown is sitting on the sofa and reading a book. It's a book about Chinese history. Mr. Brown likes history and he thinks the book is very interesting. Mr. Brown's son, Jim, is in the garden(花园)with his friend Bob. They are p ... ...

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