

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:67537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑期天天练08:阅读理解 2020-2021学年河南省淮滨县八年级英语下册? ???????日期: 姓名: 用时: 完成情况: 家长签字: 阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词) Visiting a new place can be a scary experience because most people are not comfortable with English. So how can you keep away from this kind of situation? Learn how to speak English?fluently. Here are several English speaking tips you must know. Listen first One of the best English speaking tips is to listen carefully to understandable English every day. Most people turn to textbooks to study English grammar rules, but you cannot learn how to pronounce correctly by reading them. Instead, listen to the pronunciation of native English speakers and watch the movements of their mouths. Practise Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes a day in front of the mirror, which helps in accent reduction and improves your speaking skills. Also, talking with a good English speaker can help improvise(即兴发挥)your usage of words and formation of sentences. Think in English If your goal is to speak English fluently, you need to think in English. Make up the sentences in English as you think about them before saying them. With practice, you can respond automatically in English. Be more confident Try to relax if you're speaking in English. When you speak at a normal speed, you'll discover that you'll be able to pronounce the words correctly. Most of the time, the person who you are talking to doesn't notice your mistakes. In a word, learning English does not happen overnight. Follow these tips and practise daily. Introduction (1)_____ to speak English fluently. Main body Listen first (2)_____ carefully is one of the best way to learn to speak English. When you are listening, you should watch their mouths(3)_____ Practise You should spend 15-20 minutes(4)_____ aloud to improve your?accent reduction and speaking skills. (5)_____ in English If your goal is to speak English fluently, it is(6)_____ for you to?think in English. You are(7)_____ to respond automatically in English without?practice. Be more confident Try to be(8)_____ if you're speaking English. Speak at a normal speed. Most of the time, the people you're?talking to don't(9)_____ your mistakes. Conclusion Follow these tips and practise daily(10)_____ learning English does not happen?overnight. ? 2. Have you ever decided that you didn't like something even before trying it? Do you think it is a good idea to make a decision before knowing all the facts about a situation? These questions provide some of the learning moments in Matt Bell's delightful book The Jellies and the Crunchers. The story takes place in a town that has all kinds of people: young and old, tall and short, fat and thin. However, the town people are separated by their personal food choices: the Jellies who like sticky jelly, and the Crunchers who like crunchy crackers. The two groups dislike each other. The Jellies believe that the Crunchers are too un ... ...

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